January 18, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting with Closed Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Roll Call (A) (President Mr. Drzal)
Call to order the January 18, 2018 Regular meeting at __ p.m. A quorum must be met. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion _
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Fleck, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Melendy, Mr. Troy
2. Closed Session / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Drzal)
Move to enter into closed session at __ p.m. as indicated in the Open Meetings Act and 5ILCS120/2c for discussion of: (1) The appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel; (2) Collective negotiating matters; (9) Student Disciplinary; (11) Litigation; (14) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Absent / Motion _
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Fleck, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Melendy, Mr. Troy
2.1. Exit or Suspend Closed Session / Voice Call (A)
Move to exit or suspend closed session at __ p.m. and return to open session. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ |
3. Resume in Public Session / Roll Call (A) (President) approx. 7:00 p.m.
Resume the Regular meeting at __ p.m. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion __
Members: Mrs. Melendy, Mr. Troy, Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Fleck
3.1. Action as required / Roll Call (Mr. Drzal)
Will come from the Board. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays /Absent / Motion __ Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Fleck, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Melendy, Mr. Troy
Action: Recommendation will come from the Board.
4. Pledge of Allegiance (Mr. Drzal)
The Pre-school Principal, Ms. Sheryl Pauwels will introduce the following students Pilar Gerena, Blakely Voight, Neo Socaciu from the Early Childhood Center who will lead us in the pledge. |
5. Public Comment (President)
As per Policy 2:230, public comment can be made during this portion of the meeting. (Forms are available at the agenda table and should be submitted prior to the meeting to the President or Secretary.) |
6. Revision and Adoption of the Agenda / Voice Call (A) (Mr. Drzal)
Move to adopt the agenda as presented (or with changes). Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Action: Adoption of the Agenda.
7. Associate Superintendent's Report (R) (Mr. Awrey)
Updates will be provided at this time.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
8. Associate Superintendent's Report (R) (Ms. Lombard)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
9. Curriculum & Instruction Report (R) (Dr. Schlichter)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
10. Human Resources Update (R) (Mr. Zehr)
Updates will be provided at this time. Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
10.1. FY19 Tier Staffing
Mr. Zehr will seek approval of the proposed staffing hires positions for the 2018-2019 school year, as the budget permits. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
11. Community Relations & Student Outreach (Mr. Armstrong)
11.1. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests (R)
A monthly report on the FOIA requests is provided in the packet. Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
12. Fiscal Reports (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
12.1. Fiscal Services Reports (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will provide the Monthly Fiscal Updates and Activity Fund Balance Report.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
12.2. Revenue and Expenditure Report (R) (Mr. Altmayer)
The monthly report is provided in the packet for review and comment.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
13. Buildings and Grounds Report (Mr. Renkosik)
13.1. O&M Updates (R) (Mr. Renkosik)
Mr. Renkosik will report on O&M updates (including two bigger areas of focus as information including) Energy Star ratings attained for 6 schools and Solar Power opportunity new proposals
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
14. Superintendent's Report (Dr. Burkey)
14.1. Strategic Plan Mid-year Report (R) (Dr. Burkey)
Dr. Burkey will give the mid-year report on the District's Strategic Plan Indicators for 2018-2019 school year.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
15. President's Report (Mr. Drzal)
15.1. Legislative Updates (R) (Mr. Fleck)
Mr. Fleck will provide legislative updates.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
16. Action Items / Roll/Voice Call (Mr. Drzal)
Action items require a motion and a second; discussion if needed, and roll or voice call. |
16.1. Board of Education (Mr. Drzal)
16.1.1. Minutes (A) (Mrs. Stock)
The following minutes are presented for approval: December 7, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting, December 14, 2017 Waiver Hearing, December 14, 2017 Levy Hearing. December 14, 2017 Regular Meeting Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the minutes listed above, as presented.
16.1.2. Closed Executive Session Minutes (A) (Mrs. Stock)
Seeking approval of the Closed Executive Session meeting minutes of: , Regular Meeting Closed Session on 12/14/17 as presented in closed session, Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Executive minutes listed above, as discussed in Closed Session.
16.2. Human Resources Committee (Mr. Gentry-chair, Mr. Troy, Mr. Geheren)
16.2.1. HR Personnel and Supplemental Reports (A) (Mr. Zehr)
Seeking approval of the personnel reports provided and reviewed by the Board, which includes explanation for resignations, retirements, terminations, employment, contract revisions, and leave requests, as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board of the personnel action items as presented.
16.3. Policy Committee (Mr. Drzal-chair, Mrs.Melendy, Mr. Troy)
16.3.1. Policy Committee (A) (Mr. Drzal - chair, Mr. Troy, Mrs. Melendy)
Policy - Second Reading (Mr. Awrey): At the December 14, 2017 Regular meeting, the Board recommended a second reading of the following policies: 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure; 4:10 Fiscal and Business Management; 4:15 Identity Protection; 4:80 Accounting and Audits; 4:110 Transportation; 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs; 4:170 Safety; 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment; 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited; 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting; 5:100 Staff Development Program; 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal; 5:220 Substitute Teachers; 5:240 Suspension; 5:250 Leaves of Absence; 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions; 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holiday, and Leaves; 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day; 6:50 School Wellness; 6:60 Curriculum Content; 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction; 6:300 Graduation Requirements; 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program; 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities; 7:15 Student and Family Privacy Rights; 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited; 7:70 Attendance and Truancy; 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment; 7:190 Student Behavior; 7:250 Student Support Services; 7:270 Administering Medicines to Students; 7:305 Student Athlete Concussions and Head Injuries; 7:340 Student Records.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for second reading of said policies, as presented.
16.4. Finance Committee (Mr. Quagliano-chair, Mr. Fleck, Mr. Gentry)
16.4.1. Payables (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Seeking approval of the following payables as issued: Purchase Orders at $14,266,397.86; Accounts Payable at $28,202.83; Imprest Checks at $48,485.03; Disbursements at $15,563,751.11; as presented. Roll Call: Ayes ( ) / Nays ( ) / Motion __.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board of the Payables as presented.
16.4.2. Resolution #2018-01-01 for Restricting Funds (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will present the Resolution for Restricting Funds, seeking approval. Roll Call: Ayes ( ) / Nays ( ) Motion ___.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board to adopt Resolution #2018-01-01, as presented.
16.4.3. Debt Abatement Resolutions for the 2017 Levy (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Mr. Altmayer will present two debt abatement resolutions needed for the 2017 Levy.
| Capital Development Award Refunding Abatement - Resolution #2018-01-02 (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Seeking approval of the Board to abate $400,000 using the Capital Development Award by Resolution providing for the payment of debt service on the outstanding General Obligation School building bonds, Series 2003, of the District, and abating a portion of the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2017 for said bonds. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board of adoption of Resolution #2018-01-02 Capital Development Award Refunding Abatement, as presented.
| 2016 Debt Refunding Abatement Resolution #2018-01-03 (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Seeking approval of the Board, to abate $470,448.50 by the Resolution providing for the payment of debt service on the outstanding General Obligation Refunding School Bonds, Series 2016, of the District, and abating a portion of the taxes heretofore levied for the year 2017 for said bonds.. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board of adoption of Resolution for Series 2016 Debt Refunding Abatement, as presented.
16.4.4. Board Member Expenses (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
Per the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (50 ILCS 150/15), all Board member expenses must be approved by a roll call vote at an open meeting of the Board. Roll Call: Ayes ( ) / Nays ( ) / Motion ___.
Approval all Board member reimbursement expenses as presented.
16.5. Buildings and Grounds Committee (Mr. Troy-chair, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Fleck)
16.5.1. Change Order #1 to Contract with MG Mechanical
for RTU and Chiller Replacement Projects at Conley (A) Seeking approval to change order #1 to MG Mechanical. Recommendation: Seeking board approval.
16.5.2. Authorized Agent of the Board for Energy Procurement Contracts (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
Mr. Renkosik will seek approval of the Board of Education to recommend a Board member, to act as its' authorized agent of the Board, to sign approval of natural gas and electricity procurement contracts until January 2019 Board Meeting. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board to name Mr. Troy as the authorized agent to represent the Board, as presented.
16.6. Associate Superintendent Contract (A) Dr. Burkey
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board |
16.7. Associate Superintendent Contract (A) Dr. Burkey
Recommendation: For informational purposes only. |
17. Public Comment (Mr. Drzal)
18. Adjournment (A) (Mr. Drzal)
Motion to adjourn the meeting at __ p.m. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ |