September 20, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting with Closed Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Roll Call (A) (President Mr. Skala)
Call the September 20, 2012 Regular meeting to order at __ p.m. A quorum must be met. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion __
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Skala, Mr. Troy
2. Closed Session / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Skala)
Motion to enter into closed session at __ p.m. as indicated in the Open Meetings Act and 5ILCS120/2c for discussion of: (1) The appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or legal counsel, (2) Collective Negotiating Matters, (9) Student Disciplinary, (11) Litigation, (21) Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Absent / Motion __
Members: Mr. Troy, Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Skala, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Skaja
2.1. Exit or Suspend Closed Session / Voice Call (A)
Motion to exit or suspend closed session at __ p.m. and return to open session. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ |
3. Resume in Public Session / Roll Call (A) (President) approx. 7:00 p.m.
Resume the regular meeting at __ p.m. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion __
Members: Mr. Skala, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Troy, Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano
3.1. Action as required / Roll Call (President)
Will come from the Board. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Troy, Mr. Skala
4. Suspend the Regular Meeting (A) (Mr. Skala)
The regular meeting will be suspended at this time to hold the Budget Hearing, as required by law (105ILCS5/17-1). A motion and a 2nd to suspend the regular meeting at __ p.m. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Recommendation: Motion to suspend the regular meeting.
5. Budget Hearing (This is a separate item and not part of the Board agenda.)
At 7:00 p.m., the Board will hold the Budget Hearing to hear testimony on the FY13 Budget being presented during the regular meeting. |
6. Resume the Regular Meeting / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Skala)
Motion to Resume the regular meeting at ___ p.m. to continue the regular order of business. Roll Call: Ayes / Absent / Motion __
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Quagliano, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Skala, Mr. Troy
7. Pledge of Allegiance
Martin Elementary School students will lead the Pledge. |
8. Huntley Education Association (HEA)
Discussion: A representative of the HEA will present the Teacher of the Month Award winners.
Recommendation: For information only.
9. Public Comment (President)
As per Policy 2:230, public comment can be made during this portion of the meeting.
(Forms are available at the agenda table and should be submitted prior to the meeting to the President or Secretary.)
10. Revision and Adoption of the Agenda / Voice Call (A) (President)
Move to adopt the agenda as presented (or with changes). Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ |
11. Associate Superintendent's Report (Mr. Awrey)
Updates will be given at this time. |
11.1. Modification of School Code Amendment / Hearing (R) (Mr. Awrey)
Discussion: Mr. Awrey will report on Modification of School Code, recommending a Waiver Hearing for October 11, 2012.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
12. Fiscal Services Report (Mr. Altmayer)
Updates will be given at this time. |
13. Human Resources (HR) Report (Ms. Lombard)
Updates will be given at this time. |
13.1. Annual Report for FY12 Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits (R) (Ms. Lombard)
Discussion: As required by law, the Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits - School Year 2012 report is provided by Ms. Lombard.
Recommendation: For informational purposes only.
14. Superintendent's Report (Dr. Burkey)
14.1. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests (R)
Monthly report on FOIA requests provided in the packet.
Recommendation: For information only.
14.2. Donations, Gifts, and Grants (R)
A report is provided of the donations given to the District during the month.
Recommendation: For information only.
15. President's Report (Mr. Skala)
16. Consent Agenda / Action / Roll Call (Mr. Skala)
All of the following Consent Agenda items have gone through the Committee of the Whole. Prior to adoption, revisions are presented here. Motion and a second. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ Recommendation: Seeking approval and adoption of the Consent Agenda as follows:
Members: Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Gentry, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Troy, Mr. Skala
16.1. Minutes (Mrs. Fettes)
At the 9.6.12 COW meeting, the following draft minutes were moved forward for approval: Regular, August 16, 2012 and in addition, the COW 9.6.12 draft minutes.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the minutes as presented.
16.2. Closed Executive Session Minutes (Mrs. Fettes)
Seeking approval of the following closed executive session meeting minutes reviewed during closed session for: Regular August 16, 2012, Committee of the Whole August 2, 2012.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the executive minutes as discussed in closed session.
16.3. HR Personnel and Addendum Reports (Ms. Lombard)
Seeking approval of the personnel reports provided and reviewed by the Board which includes explanation for resignations, retirements, terminations, employment, contract revisions, and leave requests as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the personnel action items as presented.
16.4. B&G Committee (Mr. Troy-Chair, Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Skala)
16.4.1. Bid #2012-23 Air Filters (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the B&G Committee recommended approval of Bid #2012-23 Air Filters as follows: award Base Bid "A" from the Brucker Company in the Amount of $68,700.00 and award Base Bid "B" from Filters USA, Inc. in the amount of $7,498.00, as presented.
Recommendation: Award of Bid #2012-23 Air Filters as presented above.
16.4.2. Bid #2012-44 HVAC Preventative Maintenance Services (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the B&G Committee recommended approval of Bid #2012-44 HVAC Preventative Maintenance Services as follows: Award of Base Bids A, D, and E to Hayes Mechanical at a first year total annual cost of $35,264.00 and Base Bids B and C to Advantage Mechanical in the amount of $4,530.00, as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of Bid #2012-44 HVAC Preventative Maintenance Services as presented above.
16.4.3. Bid #2012-62a Flame Retardant Treatment for Stage Drapery (A) (Mr. Renkosik)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the B&G Committee recommended Bid #2012-62a Flame Retardant Treatment for Stage Drapery Base Bid to American Drapery and accepts the voluntary deduction with release of the requirements for a performance bond for a net cost to the District of $26,303.68 as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of Bid #2012-62a Flame Retardant Treatment for Stage Drapery, as presented above.
16.5. Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) Committee (Mr. Geheren-chair, Mr. Gentry, Mrs. Skaja)
16.5.1. School Calendar 2013-2014 (A) (Mr. Awrey)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the C&I Committee recommended approval of the 2013-2014 School District Calendar as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for 2013-2014 School District Calendar as presented.
16.5.2. 8th Grade Trip (A) (Mr. Moan)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the C&I Committee recommended approval of the 8th grade trip to Washington DC, October 11, 12, and 13, 2013 for the Heineman and Marlowe Middle Schools, as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the 8th Grade Trip as presented.
16.6. Finance Committee (Mr. Quagliano-chair, Mr. Skala, Mr. Gentry)
16.6.1. Payables (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the purchase order summary at $ 384,710.36; Imprest checks issued at $ 234,794.12; accounts payable reported at $113.02; and disbursements issued at $ 4,998.238.25, as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the payables as presented.
16.6.2. Revenue Contracts for Approval (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the Finance Committee gave their approval, moving forward the miscellaneous vendors benefiting Huntley High School publications as fund raisers, valued at $6,000.00, as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the revenue contracts as fund raisers and as presented.
16.7. Human Resources (HR) Committee (Mr. Gentry-chair, Mr. Troy, Mr. Drzal)
16.7.1. Job Description: Guidance Counselor: College and Career Readiness (A) (Ms. Lombard)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the HR Committee gave their approval for the proposed job description of High School Guidance Counselor who will specialize in College and Career Readiness as the Student Services Coordinator, as presented.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the Job Description as presented.
17. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda (A) (Mr. Skala)
Items removed from the Consent Agenda are discussed separately and may require a roll call vote.
Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Members: Mr. Quagliano, Mr. Gentry, Mrs. Skaja, Mr. Troy, Mr. Drzal, Mr. Geheren, Mr. Skala |
18. Action Items / Roll Call (A) (Mr. Skala)
(Action items may or may not have gone through committee and require separate action.) |
18.1. Supplemental Purchase Orders and Supplemental Accounts Payable (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the Finance Committee moved forward for approval the Supplemental Purchase Orders at $2,310,470.75 and Supplemental Accounts Payable at $27,564.14. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board for the Supplementals as presented.
18.2. FY13 Budget (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the Finance Committee reviewed the updates provided to the FY13 budget. The FY13 Budget Hearing was held earlier this evening. Mr. Altmayer will present the FY13 Budget for approval and file the budget with McHenry and Kane Counties, Illinois, as required by law. Seeking a motion and 2nd to adopt the FY13 Budget as presented. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __
Recommendation: Seeking the Board's approval of the FY13 Budget as presented with the revenues of $ __ and expenditures of $ __.
18.3. Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) (A) (Mr. Altmayer)
At the 9.6.12 COW, the Finance Committee recommended dissolving the FAC, which was a Board created Committee August 20, 2004.
Recommendation: Seeking approval of the Board to formally dissolve the Financial Advisory Committee of the Board.
18.4. Board of Education (A) (Mr. Skala)
Resolution #2012-09-01 giving authority to Administration for execution of Resolution #2012-09-01 as provided and presented in closed session. Roll Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion _
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012-09-01 as presented in closed session.
19. Public Comment (Mr. Skala)
20. Adjournment (A) (Mr. Skala)
Motion to adjourn the meeting at __ p.m. Voice Call: Ayes / Nays / Motion __ |