March 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Recognition of Public Notice of Open Meeting
1.2. Recognition of Posted Notice of the Open Meetings Law
2. Roll Call
2.1. Americanism Quote
3. Minutes of the Previous Regular Meetings
4. Bills As Presented By the Superintendent
5. Financial Report
6. Communications from the Public
7. New Business
7.1. Principal's Report
7.2. Superintendent's Report
7.3. Discuss and take necessary action regarding American and World History Textbooks
7.4. Discuss and take necessary action regarding approval of 2025-26 Calendar
7.5. Discuss and take necessary action to approve Spring Volunteer Coaches
7.6. Discuss and take necessary action regarding 2000s policies
7.7. Discuss potential facility plans
7.8. Discuss and take necessary action regarding certificated staff resignation, if necessary
7.9. Discuss and take necessary action to approve certificated staff contract, if necessary
7.10. Superintendent Sick and vacation log
8. Adjournment