August 31, 2020 at 1:15 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
1.B. Prayer and Pledges
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment CN-2 (Final)
2.B. Consider Approval of Budget Amendment GF-8
2.C. Consider Approval of Resolution Committing Fund Balance in Accordance with GASB 54 Including Designations Thereto
2.D. Consider Approval of Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
3. Regular Agenda
3.A. Consider Approval of Ordinance and Resolution Fixing and Levying School District Ad Valorem Taxes for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
3.B. Adjourn into Closed Session (No Public Discussion) Pursuant to Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code - .074 Personnel (Superintendent Formative Evaluation)
3.C. Reconvene into Open Session and Take Action (if needed) on items discussed in Closed Session
3.D. Adjournment