September 11, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Spotlight on Excellence - UIL State Golf Competitors and Coach
2. Opening
2.A. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
2.B. Prayer and Pledges
2.C. Patron Presentations
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Consider Approval of Minutes: August 2012 Meetings
3.B. Consider Approval of Disbursements
3.C. Consider Approval of Transactions that Cost $25,000 or More
3.D. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations
4. Regular Agenda
4.A. Report: Request from City of Port Neches Regarding Exchange of Real Property
4.B. Discuss Request from City of Port Neches Regarding Exchange of Real Property
4.C. Consider Approval of Request from City of Port Neches for Exchange of Real Property
4.D. Consider Approval to Join Adequate Yearly Progress ("AYP") Appeal Litigation
4.E. Report: STAAR, EOC, TAKS, TAKS-M, TAKS-Alt., and TELPAS
4.F. Report: Budget - Bond, General Fund, Tax Report
4.G. Report: Grow Your Own Administrator Program
4.H. Adjournment