January 17, 2006 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
1.B. Prayer & Pledge
1.C. Recognition of Board of Trustees - TASB School Board Recognition Month
1.D. Program Spotlight - Groves Middle School
1.E. Patron Presentations
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Consider Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting - December 13, 2005
2.B. Consider Approval of Disbursements
2.C. Consider Approval of Lone Star Investment Pool Quarterly Report Ending November 2005
2.D. Consider Approval of Annual Performance Report
2.E. Consider Approval of Health Education Advisory Committee
2.F. Consider Approval of Insurance Renewal with TASB Risk Management Fund for Equipment Breakdown, General Liability, School Professional Legal Liability, Automobile Coverage and Crime Coverage
2.G. Consider Approval of Personnel Recommendations
3. Regular Agenda
3.A. Report: Superintendent - Summary of District and Superintendent Activities
3.B. Report: Board President
3.C. Consider Approval of Guidelines Relating to Eligibility for Probationary or Term Contracts for Certified Personnel
3.D. Consider Approval of First Reading and Temporary Approval of (LOCAL) Policies in TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 77 (see attached list)
3.E. Adjournment