January 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Communications / Recognition
5. Public Comments - (Per Board Policy 2:230, comments shall be limited to 5 minutes.)
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Superintendent
6.B. Principal
6.C. Assistant Superintendent of Business
6.D. Director of Curriculum & Instruction
6.E. Community Relations Director
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Approval of Open Session Minutes
7.B. Approval of Financial Reports
7.B.1. Payment of Bills/Total
7.B.2. Employee Payroll
7.B.3. Imprest Fund Report/Total
7.B.4. Activity Fund Report
7.B.5. Treasurer's Report (Cash/YTD - Exp/Rev)
7.C. Seniority Rosters (Certified and Support)
8. Committee Reports
9. Discussion Items
9.A. Return to Learn
9.B. Policy 2:260-Grievance
9.C. Educational Foundation Update
9.D. Strategic Plan Update
9.E. Policy Review
9.F. School Calendar (1st Reading)
9.G. Hourly Minimum Wage
9.H. Extended Summer Food Service Program Contract
9.I. School Resource Officer Support
10. Action Items
10.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Second Reading and Adoption of Policies of PRESS Plus Packet 106 and Policies Affected by CBAs
10.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Extension of FFCRA Days through March 31, 2021
10.C. Consideration and Possible Approval to Set the Hourly Wage for Summer Student Workers who are 18 Years of Age or Older at the following:
$11/hr. effective 1/1/21;
$12/hr. effective 1/1/22; $13/hr. effective 1/1/23; $14/hr. effective 1/1/24; and $15/hr. effective 1/1/25 and at the following for youths under 18 and working less than 650 hours per calendar year:
$10/hr. effective 1/1/21;
$10/hr. effective 1/1/22; $10.50/hr. effective 1/1/23; $12/hr. effective 1/1/24; and $13/hr. effective 1/1/25 |
10.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of Contract to Extend Summer Food Service Program as Presented
10.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of Response to a Grievance Filed under BOE Policy 2:260 as Presented
10.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Tentative Budget Resolution -- BE IT RESOLVED by the school board of School District Number 111 in the County of Grundy, State of Illinois, that Assistant Superintendent John Troy is hereby appointed to prepare a tentative budget for said School District for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June 30, 2022, which tentative budget shall be filed with the Secretary of this Board.
11. Executive Session - To adjourn the meeting to executive session for discussion on matters related to minutes; the appointment, compensation, discipline, dismissal, employment and performance of specific employees of the District; the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body; and collective bargaining.
12. Action Items Following Executive Session
12.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Closed Session Minutes
12.B. Consideration and Possible Acceptance of Resignation(s)
12.C. Consideration and Possible Approval of Paid/Unpaid Leave Request(s)
12.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of Employment
12.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of Volunteers
12.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Administrative Employment Contract for the Director of C&I as Presented
12.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of Administrative Employment Contract for the Department Chair for Special Education as Presented
12.H. Consideration and Possible Approval of Property Tax Appeal Resolution as Presented
13. Announcements and Communications
14. Adjourn