December 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Pledges
2. Public Participation
3. Recognition of Students
4. Administrative Reports
4.A. Curriculum Director
4.B. Athletic Director
4.C. Elementary Principal
4.D. Secondary Principal
4.E. Technology Director
4.F. Business Manager Report
4.G. Superintendent Report
5. Information Items
5.A. Monthly Financial Reports
5.B. Safety and Security Updates
6. Consideration/Approval of Consent Items
6.A. Minutes of Prior Meeting
6.B. Consider/approve the 2023 Voting Ballot Resolution to cast votes for nominee(s) to serve on the Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for Taylor County.
6.C. Consider/approve Region 10 ESC Multi-Region Purchasing Cooperative Interlocal Agreement for 2024-25.
7. Personnel & Security - Possible Closed Session as Per Texas Gov't Code 551.074 Personnel Matters and Texas Gov't Code 551.089 Security
8. Date of Next Meeting
9. Adjourn