March 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Hearing Over Texas Academic Performance Report
C. Public Comments
D. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
D.1. Personnel Concerns
D.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
D.3. Safety/Security
D.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
E. Reconvene for Open Meeting
F. Information Items
F.1. Superintendent's Report
F.1.a. Financial Update
F.1.a.1. Bond Construction Update
F.1.c. COVID Update
G. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
G.1. Approve Minutes of February 22, 2023 Regular Meeting
G.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for February 2023
The monthly expenditures is presented for the Board of Trustee review in the Revenue and Expenditures Report and the Check Register in the Financial Update Section.
G.3. Consider Approval of Payment to Fort Worth ISD for Deaf Education
White Settlement ISD is in a Cooperative with Fort Worth ISD (FWISD) for their Regional Day School Program for the Deaf. FWISD currently provides services for WSISD students who require maximum support for their auditory disability.
The invoice for student services for the 2022-2023 school year is $51,000. This amount is included in the current budget and is paid from the Federal Special Education Grant - IDEA B. |
G.4. Consider Approval of Amended Budgets
Administration recommends amending the General Fund budget for the following:
Increase Technology ERATE software for Firewall Fn 53 $104,093 Increase Technology for email protection software Fn 53 $55,000 Increase Maintenance for inflation, vandal proof accessories, plumbing, elevator door repair Fn 51 $275,000 Increase Fine Arts for Germblast instruments Fn 36 $18,000 Various allocations between functions Net cost of amendment will come from excess payroll due to positions not filled. |
G.5. Consider Approval of FY2023 E-RATE Category 2 Equipment Firewall
The district, in preparation for filing its annual application for Federal E-Rate funding, has determined there is a need to upgrade Firewall Equipment for our district for E-Rate Year 26 was advertised in accordance with Texas Public Contract Code.
The district received three (3) bids and is recommending Microshare as the vendor for the FY2023 E-RATE Category 2 Equipment Firewall. The total cost over 3 years is $155,650. The district portion is estimated to be $104,100, with E-RATE covering the remaining cost. This cost is included in the current amended budget. |
G.6. Consider Candidates for ESC Region 11 Board Election
An Education Service Center (ESC) Board is composed of seven members elected by the boards of trustees of the school districts in the ESC region. Positions to be filled on the ESC Region 11 Board of Directors are Place 2, representing Parker and Palo Pinto Counties; and Place 5, representing Tarrant County. Terms of office begin June 1, 2023.
Ron Townsend is running unopposed for Place 2. Jay Thompson and Elaine Edmonds are running for Place 5. According to BBB (Legal), "Each member of the board of trustees of each school district in the ESC region shall have one vote for each vacancy on the ESC Board of Directors. Completed ballots shall be returned to the Chair of the ESC Board of Directors by April 5." A short paragraph on each candidate who has filed for the ESC Region Board of Directors is attached for your convenience. |
H. Separate Items
H.1. Consider Resolution to Compensate Employees During Winter Storm Closure
H.2. Consider Update to Policy FFAC (Local)
Consider update to FFAC (Local), Wellness and Health Services Medical Treatment, to allow the District to purchase and store opioid antagonist medications. These medications would allow trained District employees to administer medication to a person experiencing an opioid overdose. In addition, the Superintendent will develop guidelines for the acquisition, maintenance, expiration, disposal, and availability of the medication in the District.
H.3. Consider Approval of Vendor for Email Security
The district is always looking for ways to decrease our exposure to cyberattacks in all forms, and email is one of the most vulnerable areas in any organization. We have received a quote from Darktrace to provide increased email security. Darktrace is able to provide email protection that will help to prevent attacks and detect and respond if attacks occur. The cost for this service is $55,000 per year with a 3-year contract.
This cost is included in the current amended budget. |
I. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
J. Adjourn