February 26, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish that a Quorum is Present
2. Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: United States and Texas Flag
3. Public Comment:
3.A. Recognition of Visitors/All persons who wish to address the Board at this time MUST complete a registration form before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting / Board President Reviews Open-Forum Regulations (P-4)
4. The MISD Strategic Plan Priorities drive all discussions and decisions:
5. Student and Staff Recognition and Presentation
5.A. Student Recognition (P-2, 4) (All Campuses)
5.B. Staff Recognition (P-3, 4) (All Campuses)
6. Presentation and Discussion of Administrative Reports (P-1,2,3,4)
6.A. Director's Report
6.B. Campus Reports
6.C. Presentation and Discussion of the Financial Report
6.C.1. Budget and State Funding Update
6.C.2. Discuss and Consider Budget Amendments
6.D. Presentation and Discussion of the Superintendent's Report
6.D.1. Enrollment/ADA
6.D.2. School Board Training
6.D.3. Upcoming Events
6.D.4. Other Information
7. Discussion/Consideration/Action Item(s)
7.A. Discuss/Consider approval of the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on January 22, 2025, and the Called Board Meetings on February 11, 2025, and February 17, 2025. (P-1,4) |
7.B. Discuss/Consider the payment of the Monthly Bills for January 2025 (P-1,4)
7.C. Discuss/Consider the MISD 25-26 School Calendar (P-1,2,3,4)
7.D. Discuss/Consider student overnight trips
7.E. Discuss/Consider Proposal for After-School Care for the 2025-26 School Year (P-1,2,4)
7.F. Discuss/Consider Possible Action to Approve the TASB Policy Update 124, affecting the following local policies: (P-1,2,3,4)
7.G. Discuss Merkel ISD School Board Self Evaluation (P-1,2,3,4)
7.H. Discuss/Consider Board Operating Procedures (P-1,2,3,4)
7.I. Discussion to Establishing a Process to Facilitate Board Member Questions |
7.J. Discuss/Consider Superintendent Appraisal Tool.
7.K. Discuss/Consider Superintendent's Annual Goals
7.L. Discuss MISD Long-Term Facilities Planning Update (P-1,2,3,4)
8. Executive Session (P-1,2,3,4)
8.A. Deliberation Regarding Security Measures (Gov't. Code 551.076)
8.B. Deliberation Regarding Personnel Matters (Gov’t. Code 551.074)
8.B.1. Discussion of Administrative Personnel (Principal, Asst. Principals, CFO, AD, and Directors) Contracts
8.C. Deliberation Regarding Real Property (Gov’t. Code 551.072)
8.D. Consultation with Attorney (Gov’t. Code 551.071)
9. Open Session: Act Upon Items Discussed in Closed Session as Needed
9.A. MISD Personnel (P-1,2,3,4)
9.A.1. Discuss/Consider approval to Accept Resignations/Retirements as Presented
9.A.2. Consider and take possible action to employ MISD Campus Principals.
9.A.3. Consider and take possible action to employ MISD Athletic Director.
9.A.4. Consider and take possible action to employ MISD Campus Assistant Principals.
9.A.5. Consider and take possible action to employ MISD Non-Certified Administrators.
9.A.6. Consider and take possible action to employ MISD Chief Financial Officer.
9.A.7. Consider Contract Offerings to Certified Personnel for 2025-2026
9.A.8. Consider and take possible action on other possible contract offerings
10. Discussion of Future Board Meeting Dates and Future Agenda Postings (P-1,4)
11. Adjournment