August 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Determine if a Quorum is Present
2. Executive Session as authorized by Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E:
2.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
2.B. Issues Regarding a Public School Student which may reveal Personally Identifiable Information about the Student (551.0821)
3. 7:00 p.m. - Return to open meeting and take any action deemed necessary upon discussion in the closed meeting
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
5. Moment of Silence
6. Public Hearing
6.A. Public Hearing on the Proposed 2019-2020 Budget (Hearing public comments and discussion from any taxpayers in the District)
7. Public Forum/Comments to the Board (limit 5 minutes each or 30 minutes total)
8. Consent Items
8.A. Minutes for July 15, 2019
8.B. General Operating Checks and Financial Reports - July 2019
8.C. Capital Projects Report - July 2019
8.D. Donations to AISD
8.E. 2019-2020 MOU Agreement Argyle ISD and the Denton County Juvenile Alternative Education Program
8.F. Argyle ISD and University of North Texas Field Placement Agreement
8.G. Consider Approval of ABM 2019 -2020 Contract
8.H. 4-H Extracurricular Status Request Texas A & M AgriLife Extension
8.I. 2019-2020 AISD Student Code of Conduct
8.J. Consider Recommending Bryan Webb to DCAD Board of Directors
8.K. Health Science Affiliation Agreement
8.L. AISD Employee Handbook 2019-2020
9. Reports
9.A. Argyle ISD Education Foundation - Presentation of Check to Argyle ISD
9.B. Construction Report
9.C. Superintendent Report (15)
9.C.1. Update on District goals and activities
9.C.2. Summer Transportation Report
9.D. Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction Quarterly Report
9.D.1. AP Results 2019
9.D.1.a. AP Summary 2019
9.D.1.b. AP Subject Totals 2019
9.D.1.c. AP 5 Year Summary
9.D.2. District and Campus Accountability 2019
9.D.2.a. District Accountability Summary
9.D.2.b. AHS Accountability Summary
9.D.2.c. AMS Accountability Summary
9.D.2.d. AIS Accountability Summary
9.D.2.e. HT Accountability Summary
9.E. Campus Handbook
10. Discussion/Action Items
10.A. Consider Approval of the Addition of one 2nd Grade Teacher
10.B. Consider Approval of Board Member for Delegate and Alternate Delegate to TASA/TASB
10.C. Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Budget Adoption
10.D. Consider Approval of Ordinance Stating the Maintenance and Operations (M&O) Tax Rate, Interest and Sinking (I&S) Tax Rate, Purpose for Which the Tax was Levied, Action, and Vote for the Board (A copy of this Ordinance will be attached to and Incorporated into the Minutes of the Meeting).
10.E. Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Budget Amendment #6
10.F. Consider Approval of Supplemental Pay Schedule for 2019-20
10.G. Consider Approval of $20,176 from 2014 Bond Funds to Jeff Wright Signs for Retractable Gate at Hilltop Elementary
10.H. Consider Approval of $29,999 to Snow Movers to Remove Portable Buildings
10.I. Consider Approval of $34,522 to Climatec to upgrade 5 boards ($20,777), and install panic devices ($13,745)
10.J. Consider Approval of GMP of $60,758,729 for AHS Phase II as presented by Steele & Freeman
11. Adjourn