March 19, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - Determine if a Quorum is Present
2. Executive Session as authorized by Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E:
2.C. Pursuant to Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically regarding Superintendent's Contract, hiring of Chief Financial Officer, appointment of Interim Administrator for Argyle Intermediate School, and Professional Employee Contracts - Teachers, Counselors, Librarians and Nurses
2.K. Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property as deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the District in negotiations with a third person, specifically consultation regarding Canyon Falls (551.072)
2.L. Issues Regarding a Public School Student which may reveal Personally Identifiable Information about the Student (551.0821)
13. Return to open meeting and take any action deemed necessary upon discussion in the closed meeting
14. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags
15. Moment of Silence
16. Public Forum / Comments to Board (limit 5 minutes each or 30 minutes total)
17. Consent Items
17.R. Minutes for February 20, 2012 and February 27, 2012
17.T. General Operating Checks and Financial Reports
17.Y. Donations
27. Reports
27.AB. Argyle Education Foundation Liaison Report
27.AC. Superintendent Report
27.AC.30. Transportation Report
27.AC.32. TEA Technology Plan Approval Certificate
27.AC.34. Update on District activities: academics, fine arts - band, and athletics - basketball and soccer
27.AI. Budget
27.AI.36. Limited Open Enrollment (LOE)
27.AI.38. Analysis @ 1751
27.AI.40. Analysis @ 1841
27.AI.42. Prior, Current and Proposed Budget Data
27.AI.44. Summary of Revenue and Expenses
27.AI.46. Argyle Intermediate School (AIS) Cost Consideration
27.AI.48. Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Increasing by 10's
27.AI.50. Tax Ratification Election (TRE)
52. Discussion/Action Items
52.BA. Consider approval of Superintendent's Contract
52.BB. Consider approval of Chief Financial Officer
52.BC. Consider approval of Interim Administrator for Argyle Intermediate School
52.BD. Consider approval of Professional Employee Contracts - Teachers, Counselors, Librarians, and Nurses
52.BE. Consider approval of 2011-2012 Budget Amendment #6
52.BG. Consider approval of deferral of requirement the EOC count 15 percent of a student's final course grade
52.BI. Consider approval of $23,254.00, from bond money, for Aerowave Technologies radios
52.BK. Consider approval of $11,500.00 to Allen Hardware Floors for repair of the High School gym floor
52.BM. Consider approval of additional $363.00, from bond money, to purchase Thomas 77 passenger standard bus and handicapped bus
52.BO. Consider approval of 1/2 ton Suburban for $31,485.00 and 3/4 ton Suburban for $33,045.00, from bond money, to Caldwell Chevrolet
52.BQ. Discussion/action regarding use of bond money
70. Adjourn