May 16, 2013 at 4:30 PM - Regular Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Executive Director's Report
5.A. 2013 Loss Prevention Grant from TASB Risk Management Fund
Jack Damron
5.B. Technology U: Teach, Learn, Engage! Conference 2013
Jack Damron/Frances Guzman/Dr. Eduardo Cancino
5.C. Upcoming Board Conferences
Jack Damron
5.C.1. Region One School Board Association Conference - May 17-18, 2013, South Padre Island, Texas
5.C.2. TASB Summer Leadership Institute - June 6-8, 2013, San Antonio, TX
June 13-15, 2013, Fort Worth, TX
Jack Damron
5.D. Upcoming Events for June, 2013
Jack Damron
5.E. Personnel Matters - New Hires, Resignations, Retirements
Jack Damron
5.F. Check Registers
Jack Damron/Frances Guzman
6. Minutes of the April 20, 2013 Board of Directors Special Meeting
7. Minutes of the April 23, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
8. Budget Amendments for April, 2013
9. Expenditure Reports as of April 30, 2013
10. Quarterly Investment Report
11. Discuss Potential Dissolution of Texas Education Service Center Curriculum Collaborative (TESCCC) Non-Profit Corporation and Termination of the Existing TESCCC Interlocal Agreement
12. Discuss and Consider Action Regarding Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Interlocal Agreement for Participation in a Multi-Regional Curriculum Shared Service Arrangement
13. South Texas Cooperative Frozen Dessert Products (Region 1), Proposal 10-04-15, Extension
14. South Texas Cooperative Frozen Dessert Products (Region 2), Proposal 11-04-12, Extension
15. South Texas Cooperative Equipment and Kitchen Wares, Proposal 11-04-09, Extension
16. South Texas Cooperative Discounted Warehouse, Proposal 11-04-08, Extension
17. Region One Purchasing Cooperative Promotional Merchandise and Services, Proposal 11-06-19, Extension
18. Region One Purchasing Cooperative Maintenance Department Building Material, Hardware, Supplies, Equipment and Repairs, Proposal 11-05-16, Extension
19. Region One Purchasing Cooperative, Decor Services and Merchandise, Proposal 11-05-15, Extension
20. Region One Purchasing Cooperative, Efficiency Services, Proposal 11-04-14, Extension
21. GEAR UP Evaluation Services, Proposal 12-05-23, Extension
22. Bank Depository Services, Proposal 13-03-09
23. Executive Session: Discuss Compensation Package for the recently-hired Executive Director of Region One Education Service Center Tex. Gov. Code §551.074
24. Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session: Approval of Compensation Package for the recently-hired Executive Director of Region One Education Service Center Tex. Gov. Code §551.074
25. Complimentary Correspondence
26. Suggestions for Future Meeting Agendas
27. Adjournment