November 30, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda
3.A. November 30, 2022 Regular Meeting
4. Public Comment
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Draft Minutes, November 9, 2022 Regular Meeting
5.B. Out of State Travel Request to Portland, Oregon for Ms. Jolene Martin, Davis Grant, December 1-4, 2022.
5.C. Budget Adjustment Requests (BARs)
6. Discussion
6.A. Broadband Deficiencies Correction Program (BDCP) Project Closeout Certification - Sondra Adams
6.B. Fixed Asset Inventory List - Michelle Ortiz
7. Reports
7.A. Superintendent of Schools - Sondra Adams
7.A.1. 40th Day
7.A.2. Technology
7.A.3. Calendar 2022-2023 including possibility of Extended Learning Time
7.A.4. Graduation Credits
7.B. Finance Report - Michelle Ortiz
8. Executive Session
8.A. Closed pursuant to Open Meeting Act 10-15-1 (H) (7) Limited Personnel Matters pertaining to LM.
No action will be taken. |
9. New Business
10. Action Items
10.A. Approval of Broadband Deficiencies Correction Program (BDCP) Project Closeout Certification
10.B. Approval of Fixed Asset Inventory List
11. Announcements
11.A. The December regular Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 5:30 PM in the Sammy J. Quintana Community/Board Room and via Zoom Video/Telephone Conferencing.
11.B. District Holiday Party, December 16, 2022, from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM at the High School.
11.C. End of Quarter 2 / Semester 1, December 23, 2022.
11.D. Half-day, district wide, December 23, 2022.
11.E. The District Offices will be closed December 26, 2022, and January 2, 2023.
11.F. Winter Break, December 26, 2022 to January 10, 2023.
11.G. Professional Development Days, January 9-10, 2023.
11.H. Martin Luther King Day, January 16, 2023, there will be no school. The District Offices will be closed.
12. Adjournment