June 10, 2024 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the meeting open and properly posted by advanced notice. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
2. Welcome Guests
3. Approval of Absent Board Members
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the absence of ___________________ for the _____________________ purpose Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4. Consent Agenda
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the Consent Agenda and the bills, and authorize the Board President and Treasurer to sign and validate all the checks and warrants as presented Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
4.1. Agenda
4.2. Previous Board Meeting Minutes
4.3. Bill Roster
4.4. Financial Reports
4.4.1. General Fund
4.4.2. Investment Fund
4.4.3. Activities Fund
4.4.4. Nutrition Fund
4.4.5. Building Fund
5. Introduction of Speakers
6. Board Committee Reports
6.1. Negotiations
6.1.1. October Labor Relations Conference in Lincoln
October begins negotiations |
6.2. Americanism
6.3. Policy
6.3.1. KSB Policy Review and Conference July 30th at ESU
Policy Committee will meet in June to discuss KSB policies |
6.3.2. Reminder we need to meet 2 times during the school year, one needs to be Public Invited
6.4. Building, Grounds, and Transportation
6.4.1. We are considering tabling the Restroom, Concession and Ticket Booth until discussion about School Expansion
6.5. Preschool Advisory
6.5.1. Reminder we meet 2 times during the school year, previously Sept, and Jan. 4th Monday
7. Administrative Reports
7.1. Principal
7.1.1. Mr. Weaver Reports- 1) Teacher Check out, 2) Title IX Zoom, 3) Part-Time Position, 4) Summer Projects, 5) Staff Survey, 6) Discipline Report, 7) Bus Update
7.2. Superintendent
7.2.1. Superintendent Notes, 1) PowerSchool Messaging system, 2) Resignation of Cheryl Dunn, 3) Tobin Buchannon- School Expansion @ 8:30, 4) Lunch/Breakfast Prices- suggestion to remain the same 5) Sub Rate increase from $130 to $140 per day 1/2 day $70, 6) Waiting on a bid for our Termite Extermination
8. Public Forum
9. Recess
10. Action Agenda Items
10.1. Discuss and decide on recommendation from B/G & T for renovation of the Restroom, Concession, and Ticket Booth
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve moving forward with bids for concession, restroom and ticket booth. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
10.2. Discuss and decide on Sub Pay for 2024-25 school year. Increase from $65 per half day to $70 per half day, and increase from $130 per day, to $140 per day.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve an increase in substitute pay to $70 per half day and $140 per day for the 2024-25 school year. Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.
11. Closed Session
12. Next Meeting Date
12.1. July 8th at 7:30
13. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn meeting Passed with a motion by Board Member #1 and a second by Board Member #2.