December 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
2.A. Azle Elementary - Gina Lee, Principal - Spotlight Campus of the Month/Pledge Leaders
3. Public Comments Regarding Specific Agenda Items and General Comments
4. Honors and Recognitions
4.A. Recognizing Designer of Azle ISD 2021 Christmas Card, Katheryn Ardito, AHS Junior
4.B. Outdoors Adventures Educator of the Year - Lisa Helm, AHS
4.C. AHS Marching Band
4.D. AHS Varsity Football
4.E. Azle ISD Athletic Trainers
4.F. Azle ISD Business Office
5. Superintendent Report, Todd Smith
5.A. Hornet Fast Growth Update
5.B. COVID Update
5.C. Upcoming Events:
5.C.1. Dec. 17, 2021: Early Release for Students and Staff
5.C.2. Dec. 20-31, 2021: Christmas Break
5.C.3. Jan. 03, 2022: Student Holiday / Staff Professional Development
5.C.4. Jan. 04, 2022: Student Holiday / Teacher Workday
5.C.5. Jan. 17, 2022: Student and Staff Holiday
5.C.6. Jan. 24, 2022: Board Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. (Moved from regularly scheduled date due to Holiday)
5.C.7. Jan. 29, 2022: AEF's 10th Annual Red Solo Fundraiser
6. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Azle ISD and Tarleton State University Regarding the Distinguished High School Partnership Program, Todd Smith, Superintendent
7. Curriculum Report, Michelle Cockrell, Secondary Social Studies Instructional Coach
7.A. "A Hero's Dream" - A Philanthropic Passion Project by Brooke Schocke
8. Financial Report, Matt Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
8.A. Audit Report
9. Public Hearing for FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas), Matt Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
10. Consider and Approve FIRST Rating, Matt Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
11. Consider and Approve GMP for Eagle Heights and Hoover Projects (May 2021 Bond), Matt Adams, Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
12. Consideration of Acceptance of Outdoor Warning System for Liberty, Cross Timbers, Eagle Heights, and Silver Creek Elementary.
13. Consider Appointing an Azle ISD School Board Member to the 2021-2022 Teacher Incentive Allotment Committee, Amanda Wimpee, Director of Curriculum and Student Services
14. Discuss Process of Naming the New Azle ISD Elementary Campus, Todd Smith, Superintendent
15. Consent Agenda for Approval
15.A. Consider Approval of Previous Minutes
15.A.1. Minutes from November 15, 2021 Regular Meeting
15.B. Consider Approval of Financial and Investment Reports
15.B.1. Financial and Monthly Investment Report for October 2021
15.B.2. Budget Amendment 22-02
15.B.3. Donations
15.B.3.a. Mr. and Mrs. Penshorn donated to Azle HS Boys Basketball - $2,500
15.B.3.b. Azle Hornets Rebounder Club donated to Azle Boys Basketball - $700
15.B.3.c. Azle Spirit Booster Club donated to Azle HS Cheer - $10,000
15.B.3.d. Azle Women's Soccer Booster donated to AHS Girls Soccer - $2,347.50
15.C. Consider and Approve Temporary Easement for Property at Azle Elementary
15.D. Consider Approval of Human Resources Contract Recommendations
15.D.1. Contract Recommendations and Resignations
15.E. Consider Approval of Administration Recommendations
15.E.1. Weatherford College Contract for Dual Credit Instruction
15.E.2. Resolutions to Designate Authority to Accept a Contract Employee's Resignation
15.E.2.a. DFE(Exhibit A)-This resolution allows the Board to designate the Director of Human Resources, in addition to the Superintendent, to accept a contract employee's resignation before the end of the school year.
15.E.2.b. DFE(Exhibit B)-This resolution allows the Board to designate the Director of Human Resources, in addition to the Superintendent, to accept a contract employee's resignation at the end of the school year and before the penalty free resignation date.
15.E.3. Consider Approval of MOU for T-CLASS - Region 11
15.E.4. Consider Approval of Continuing Sexual Education Curriculum
16. Executive Session - Texas Government Code 551.001 ET.SEQ
16.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072: To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the government body in negotiations with a third person.
16.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074: To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
17. Reconvene in Open Session and Consider Action on Items from Executive Session
18. Adjournment