June 14, 2022 at 9:30 AM - Finance Ways & Means Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1 Join Zoom Meeting
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2 9:30 a.m. Call Meeting to Order - Finance Chair Bill Peterson
5 9:35 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
6 1) Bills to pay
6 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted.
7 9:45 a.m. Alan Curtis, District Court Judge
7 1) Drunk Driving Caseflow Assistance Fund & Drug Case Management Fund (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval of $3,985.03 to be deposited to line item #101-286-544.545 and redistributed back to line item #101-286-977.000 (Drunk Driving Caseflow Equipment) as presented.
8 9:55 a.m. Kim Elkie, Director Office of EM/E911
8 1) Transfer Funds for Central Tower Payment & Create Eligibility List/Hire 911 Dispatcher due to Retirement (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval for the Treasurer to transfer the following funds for the central tower payment due January 15, 2023 as presented.
Reduce Ambulance Fund Central Tower Reserve E911 210-000-382.000 $75,000.00 Budget & Transfer Ambulance Fund Expense Line Item (Transfer to Other Funds) 210-651-995.000 $75,000.00 Budget & Transfer from E911 Fund (Transfer to Central Tower Lease) 261-325-995.001 $15,000.00 Transfer in from Ambulance Fund 372-324-699.001 $75,000.00 Transfer in from E911 Fund 372-324-699.002 $15,000.00 |
8 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends approval to advertise and fill the full-time position of 911 Dispatcher/Telecommncator as presented.
9 10:05 a.m. Warren Miller, PE, Spicer Group
9 1) Update on EGLE Permit & Beaver Lake Dam Assessment Roll
10 10:15 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
10 1) Child Care Fund Monthly Report (attached)
11 10:25 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
11 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
11 2) Energy Conservation Bond Payment (attached)
11 3) 2022 Tax Revolving Fund Report (attached)
12 10:35 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager
12 1) Payment of PAS Invoices (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval of payment for Primary Airport Services Invoices from Line Item 295-595-805.000 as presented.
13 Commissioner Kevin Osbourne
13 1) Mileage Reimbursement Discussion
14 Mary Catherine Hannah, County Administrator
14 1) Revised Board Policy - Operating Policies (attached)
14 2) FY 2023 NEMCCAB Resolution (attached)
14 ACTION ITEM #6: Recommendation to adopt Resolution 22-14 FY23 Community Corrections Grant Application (NEMCOG Fiscal Agent/Program Manager) and authorize the Chairman of the board to sign all pertaining documents.
(closes committee meeting) |
16 Chairman Adrian
17 Motion to Approve all Recommendations of FW&M Committee
18 CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
18 ACTION ITEM #8: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
19 Chairman Adrian
1) POLL Action Item #1: Letter of Support for Senior Center (attached)
20 POLL ACTION ITEM #1: Recommendation to approve the letter of support to NEMCSA that the Senior Citizens Council/Senior Citizens Center continues to be the focal point for senior services and recommends approval of the Alpena Area Senior Citizens Centers request for funding for 2022-2025 through NEMCSA.
21 2) POLL Action Item #2: MSP Grant for Livescan Fingerprinting Machine (attached)
22 POLL ACTION ITEM #2: Recommendation to approve the grant application from the Michigan State Police in the amount $1,140 to purchase a Livescan fingerprinting machine for the Sheriff's Department with no County match. There will be a maintenance fee of $110 after year 2; this is optional but recommended. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
23 3) POLL Action Item #3 - Juneteenth Day Holiday for Courts
24 POLL ACTION ITEM #3: Following a recommendation from the Personnel Committee, to acknowledge the recent Michigan Supreme Court's order to close the courts for Juneteenth as a holiday [to be recognized through direction of the Chief Judge of the 26th Circuit Court on Friday, June 17th (just for 2022)], by closing the District, Juvenile, and Probate Courts to public business and giving staff the option to work or have that day off with no pay.
25 CLOSED SESSION : Union Negotiations
26 Public Comment
27 Adjournment