May 2, 2022 at 9:00 AM - Personnel Committee Meeting
Agenda |
2 Anja Harmon, Benefits Agent, Change
2 1) The Hub Presentation Update (attached)
3 Chair Marty Thomson
3 1) Approve Job Descriptions for Office of Emergency Management & E911 Services: (attached)
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends approval of the Job Descriptions for the Office of Emergency Management & E911 Services as presented.
3 2) Advertise and Fill New Part-Time Assistant Director of the Office of Emergency Management & E911 Services
3 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends approval to advertise and fill new part-time Assistant Director of the Office of Emergency Management and E911 Services as presented.
3 3) Step Increase for Sue Latuszek (attached)
3 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends approval of Probate/District Court Judge Curtis's recommendation to pay Sue Latuszek a Step Increase from Step 1 to Step 2 effective April 11, 2022 as presented.
4 Undersheriff Erik Smith
4 1) Road Patrol Staffing (attached)
4 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends to authorize the Sheriff's Office to advertise and seek candidates to fill vacancies for road patrol at 11 Deputies, 2 Sergeants, and an Animal Control Officer while providing services to Alpena County as presented.
5 IT Director Steve Mousseau
5 1) Step Increase for Logan Kemp (attached)
5 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends approval of the IT Director's recommendation to pay Logan Kemp a Step Increase from Step 1 to Step 2 effective April 8, 2022 as presented.
6 Cynthia Muszynski, Prosecuting Attorney
6 1) Step Increase for Megan McKeon (attached)
6 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends approval of the Prosecuting Attorney's recommendation to pay Megan McKeon a Step Increase from Step 1 to Step 2 effective June 15, 2022 as presented.
7 County Administrator Hannah
7 1) Update on HR and Board Assistant Positions
7 2) Update on Maintenance Positions
7 3) Policies, Department Head Handbook Updates
8 Other Discussion
9 Next Meeting: May? or June?