February 8, 2022 at 9:30 AM - Finance Ways & Means Committee
Agenda |
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2 9:30 a.m. Call Meeting to Order - Finance Chair Bill Peterson
5 9:35 a.m. Kim Elkie, Interim Director 911/Central Dispatch
5 1) Colligo GIS (911 Mapping) (attachment)
5 ACTION ITEM #1: Recommendation to approve Invoice #119 from Colligo GIS in the amount of $5,000 for the annual maintenance agreement (January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022) and approve the Work Order Agreement for the 911/Central Dispatch Office with monies to come out of line item #261-325-820.004 and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents as presented.
5 2) Budget Adjustment Request (attached)
5 ACTION ITEM #2: Recommendation to approve Interim 911/Central Dispatch Director Kim Elkie's request for a carry over budget adjustment from 2021 in the amount of $11,115.17 Ambulance Fund line item #261-325-970.003 that was not spent and to put $11,115.17 into line item #261-325-970.003 Ambulance Fund as presented.
5 3) Request for Proposal Request for 800 MHz Radios
5 ACTION ITEM #3: Recommendation to approve Interim 911/Central Dispatch Director Kim Elkie's request to seek RFP for 800 MHz radios (portable and mobiles) and G4 pagers in a quantity as per fire department request/availability of matching funds for a 3-year contract purchase agreement to lock the price and continue budgeted first responder radioreplacements through 2024 as presented.
6 9:40 a.m. Finance Chair Bill Peterson
6 1) Bills to pay
6 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to recommend to pay all bills as submitted.
6 2) HUNT Request for Funds - Fiscal Year 2022 (attached)
7 9:45 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
7 1) Budget Adjustment Request - Housing Commission (attached)
7 ACTION ITEM #5: Recommendation to approve the County Clerk Bonnie Friedrichs budget adjustment request to reduce the Fund Balance of the Housing Commission by $4,274.00 and to increase line item #276-705-842 Unemployment by $4,274.00 as presented.
8 9:45 a.m. Underhsheriff Erik Smith
8 1) Budget Adjustment Requests (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #6: Recommendation to approve the Sheriff's Office request for a budget adjustment to reduce line item #101-301-702.007 (Corrections Officers) by $25,000 and to put $25,000 into a new line item for Part-Time Corrections and to authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
8 2) Budget Adjustment Request - Part-Time Corrections (attached)
8 ACTION ITEM #7: Recommendation to approve the Sheriff's Office request for a budget adjustment to reduce the Sheriff Reimbursement & Refunds line item #101-301-677.000 by $5,166.28 and to put $2,753.62 into line item #101-430-702.000 (Ordinance Enforcement) and put $2,412.66 into line item #101-301-708.002 and to authorize the Treasurer to make the necessary budget adjustments.
9 9:50 a.m. Dave Guthrie, Remonumentation
9 1) Professional Service Agreements 2022 (attached)
9 ACTION ITEM #8: Recommendation to approve the 2022 Professional Services Agreement for Remonumentation with Huron Engineering Surveying, Inc. and Lewis and Lewis Professional Surveying, Inc. and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertaining documents as presented.
10 9:55 a.m. Wes Wilder, Maintenance Superintendent
10 1) Budget Adjustment Request - Sanitary Sewer Line (attached)
10 ACTION ITEM #9: Recommendation to approve the Maintenance Superintendent's Budget Adjustment request to carry over $26,000 unspent from the 2021 budget and put into line item #631-265-975.051 for replacing the sanitary sewer line at the Courthouse for 2022 as presented.
10 2) Budget Adjustment Request - Front Stairs at Courthouse
10 ACTION ITEM #10: Recommendation to approve the Maintenance Superintendents Budget Adjustment request to carry over $35,000 unspent from the 2021 budget and put into line item #631-265-975.003 for the repair of the front stairs at the Courthouse for 2022 as presented.
11 9:55 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
11 1) Child Care Fund Monthly Report (attached)
12 10:05 a.m. Mary Catherine Hannah, County Administrator
12 1) Pay Clark Hill Invoice #1166199 (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #11: Recommendation to approve the Clark Hill Invoice #1166199 with monies to come out of line item #101-101-801.000 as presented.
12 2) Prosecutor's Salary Adjustment
12 ACTION ITEM #12: Recommendation to pay increases and adjust Chief Assistant Prosecutor and Assistant Prospector salaries as listed with monies approved and budgeted for 2022:
Chief Assistant Prosecutor: $60,799.70 to $76,364.00 Assistant Prosecutor: $47,082.88 to $65,983.00 |
12 3) Attorney Contract 2022 (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #13: Recommendation to approve the 2022 Family Probate Court Attorney Contract for Alpena County from March 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023 as presented.
12 4) Pay Mika Meyers Invoice #669884 (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #14: Recommendation to approve the Mika Meyers Invoice #669884 in the amount of $980 with monies to come out of line item #101-101-801.000 as presented.
12 5) Pay Environmental & Asbestos Services, Inc. (attached)
12 ACTION ITEM #15: Recommendation to approve to pay the Environmental & Asbestos Services, Inc. in the amount of $2,300 for the Environmental Assessment of the old jail building/property and authorize the County Administrator to sign the agreement as presented.
13 10:10 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
13 1) Monthly Reports (attached)
13 2) Pay Jail Bond Invoice #1091094 (attached)
13 ACTION ITEM #16: Recommendation to approve Invoice #1091094 from Clark Hill in the amount of $680 with monies to come out of line item #466-301-801.000 (Jail Construction Fund/Bond Council as presented.
14 10:15 a.m. Chairman Adrian
(closes committee meeting) |
16 Chairman Adrian
17 Motion to Approve all Recommendations of Committee
18 CONSENT CALENDAR (attached)
18 ACTION ITEM #19: Motion to approve the Consent Calendar which includes actions as listed above and filing of all reports. Roll call vote is necessary with 5 ayes.
20 Adjournment