July 21, 2021 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda |
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2 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
2 1) Bills to pay
2 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
3 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Juvenile Officer
3 1) Child Care Fund's monthly report (attachment #1)
4 9:40 a.m. Commissioner Marty Thomson, Chairman Personnel Committee
4 1) Reclassification Request (attachment #2)
4 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends to approve an increase in the wage line item of approximately $1,064.00 plus FICA and associated costs for the remainder of the year due to reclassification change from Administrative Assistant to Board Assistant for Kim Elkie, as presented.
5 9:45 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
5 1) Intrado Life & Safety Solutions (attachment #3)
5 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the split Year 5 (2020-2021) expense in the amount of $3,750 from Intrado Life & Safety Solutions Corporation with monies coming from line item #261-325-820.007.
6 9:50 a.m. Craig Zelazny, Older Persons Committee Chair
6 1) Letter of Support for Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Implementation Plan for Aging Services (attachment #4)
6 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency FY 2022 Annual Implementation Plan for Aging Services as recommended by the Alpena County Older Persons Committee, as presented.
7 9:55 a.m. Dan Perge, Veterans Affairs Counselor
7 1) FY22 Veterans Service Fund Grant (attachment #5)
7 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends we approve the FY22 Veterans Affairs Fund Grant in the amount of $28,398.00 with no County match, as presented, and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertinent documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
8 10:00 a.m. Liz Skiba, District Court Administrator
8 1) Michigan Drug Court Grant (attachment #6)
8 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends we approve the Michigan Drug Court Grant in the amount of $35,083.80 with an Organization Match of $10,000.00 of In-Kind Services, no County cash match, for the 88th District Adult Drug &Alcohol Treatment Court, as presented , and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign all pertinent documents. This has Grant Review Committee approval.
9 10:05 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager
9 1) Increase line item for Alpena Ground Services quarterly payments (attachment #7)
9 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends to increase line item #295-595-801 to $382,060.00 to account for the $10,000 quarterly increase from Alpena Ground Services due to additional services being provided, as presented.
10 10:10 a.m. Commissioner Kevin Osbourne
10 1) Consulting Firms (attachment #8)
11 10:15 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
11 1) Monthly Reports (attachment #9)