January 20, 2021 at 9:30 AM - Finance Committee Meeting
Agenda |
1 9:30 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
1 COMMITTEE ACTION ONLY: Motion to pay all bills as submitted.
2 9:35 a.m. Janelle Mott, Financial Officer
3 9:40 a.m. Mark Hall, Emergency Services Coordinator
3 ACTION ITEM #1: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice
from Priority Dispatch Corporation in the amount of $5,364.00 for ProQA annual license renewal service and support for 2019 and 2020, and authorize the Treasurer to transfer $5,364.00 from the 911 Fund Balance line item #211-000-390 to Maintenance Priority Dispatch line item #211-325-955.002, as presented. |
3 2. Priority Dispatch Corporation Invoice (attachment #3)
3 ACTION ITEM #2: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice from Priority Dispatch Corporation in the amount of $2,700.00 for ProQA annual license renewal service and support from 1/31/2021 through 1/31/2022 with budgeted monies coming from line item #211-325-955.002, as presented.
3 3. CORE Technology Invoice (attachment #4)
3 ACTION ITEM #3: The Committee recommends we approve the CORE Technology invoice in the amount of $1,890.00 for the annual service agreement, from 1/1/2021 through 1/1/2022 with budgeted monies coming from line item #211-325-802, as presented.
3 4. Equature/DSS Corporation Invoice (attachment #5)
3 ACTION ITEM #4: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice from Equature/DSS Corporation for agreement for 911 recorder yearly maintenance from 1/5/2021 through 1/4/2022 in the amount of $4,152.00 with budgeted monies coming from line item #211-325-955.004, as presented.
3 5. Tele-Rad Inc. Invoice (attachment #6)
3 ACTION ITEM #5: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice from Tele-Rad Inc. for upgrade to the County siren warning system as part of the 7500 console and fire service 800 MHz integration project previously approved, in the amount of $3,600.00 with budgeted monies coming from line item #211-325-970.003, as presented.
3 6. West Shore Services Inc. Invoice (attachment #7)
3 ACTION ITEM #6: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice from West Shore Services Inc for agreement for annual maintenance for the warning siren from 08/28/2020 through 9/05/2021 in the amount of $3,320.00 with budgeted monies coming from line item #101-426-932, as presented.
3 7. AirWave Tower Lighting Inc. Invoice (attachment #8)
3 ACTION ITEM #7: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice from AirWave Tower Lighting Inc. for removal of antennas at Manning Hill and Scott Road, as part of the 7500 console and fire service 800 MHz integration project previously approved, in the amount of $4,000.00 with budgeted monies coming out of line item #211-325-946, as presented.
4 9:45 a.m. Undersheriff Erik Smith
4 ACTION ITEM #8: The Committee recommends to approve the purchase of a 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe in the amount of $38,917.69 using Stone Garden grant funds, as presented.
4 2. AWC Invoice (attachment #10)
4 ACTION ITEM #9: The Committee recommends we approve the invoice
from AWC in the amount of $2,064.00 for video cameras at the jail with monies coming from line item #_______, as presented. |
5 9:50 a.m. Sgt. J.P. Ritter, Sheriff’s Office
5 ACTION ITEM #10: The Committee recommends we approve the purchase of a sandbagging machine from The Sandbagger, LLC in the amount of $10,790.00 using Grant Funds, as presented. ($2,000.00 has been received, the remaining grants have committed funds but are reimbursement grants.) Revenue line item #402-234-674.002, expense line item #402-235-981.007.
5 2. Request Budget Adjustment for 2021 ORV Law Enforcement Grant (attachment #12)
5 ACTION ITEM #11: The Committee recommends we approve budget adjustments for the ORV Law Enforcement Grant as presented:
Increase ORV Law Enforcement Grant Revenue Line Item #101-306-546 by $10,480.00; Increase ORV Safety Officer Expenditures Line Item #101-306-702 by $7,480.00; Increase ORV Equipment Line Item #101-306-977.001 by $1,500.00 Increase ORV Maintenance Line Item #101-306-934.001 by $1,500.00. |
6 9:55 a.m. Scott Gagnon, Jail Administrator
6 ACTION ITEM #12: The Committee recommends we approve the request to hire two Corrections Officers, as presented, with monies to come from _____
7 10:00 a.m. Dan Perge, Veterans Counselor
7 ACTION ITEM #13: The Committee recommends we approve budget adjustments for the Alpena County Department of Veterans Affairs as presented:
Increase expense line item 267-683-977.001 by $1,550.00 (from $500.00 to $2,050.00); Increase expense line item 267-683-977.002 by $650.00 (from $500.00 to $1,150.00); Increase expense line item 267-683-729.001 by $28,500.00 (from zero to $28,500.00) Increase expense line item 267-683-727.001 by $200.00 (from zero to $200.00). |
8 10:05 a.m. Steve Smigelski, Airport Manager
8 ACTION ITEM #14: The Committee recommends to approve carry over of the funding from 2020 into 2021 in line item #295-536-801.003 (Short Term Storm Water Characterization Study) in the amount of $21,057.50, as presented.
8 2. Reimbursement To PFC Equity Fund
8 ACTION ITEM #15: The Committee recommends to approve request to repay line item #295-536-625 PFC Equity Fund in the amount of $63,500.00 (RS&H Engineering Services for 2020 projects $25,500.00 and RS&H Terminal Land Use Study #38,000.00) using CARES reimbursement funds, as presented.
8 3. Airport Terminal Final Billings For Payment
8 ACTION ITEM #16: The Committee recommends to approve final invoices from Team Elmer’s, Pay Application 20, Change Order 13 and RS&H in the total amount of $241,408.05. There is $152,438.00 remaining in the Terminal Construction Fund, leaving a balance of $90,970.05 (there will be an estimated $549,069.18 reimbursed to the County at grant closeout), request payment out of the Airport Fund Balance, as presented.
9 10:10 a.m. Catherine Murphy, Register of Deeds
9 ACTION ITEM #17: The Committee recommends to approve the lease agreement with Pitney Bowes for a postage meter for 80 months with monthly payment of $134.03 billed quarterly at $402.09.
10 10:15 a.m. Bonnie Friedrichs, County Clerk
10 1. Request Reconsideration of Hazard Pay and 2021 Salaries (attachment #17)
11 10:20 a.m. Bill Peterson, Finance Chairman
11 ACTION ITEM #18: The Committee recommends we approve the Huron Engineering Invoice #4058, for the new jail in the amount of $190.00 with monies coming out of line item #466-301-975 (Jail Construction Costs) as presented.
11 2. Fax/Email Charges – Keep suspended or reinstate?
11 3. IT Upgrades (attachment #19)
11 ACTION ITEM #19: The Committee recommends we approve computer replacements and essential upgrades in the amount of $136,024.00 with $56,024.00 transferred from the Technology Reserve in the General Fund to the 402 Fund for Data Processing, transfer $72,600.00 from the fund balance of the General Fund into the 402 Fund for Data Processing and increase the Data Processing line item 101-958-728 by $7,400.00, as presented. A two-thirds vote of the Full Board will be needed.
12 10:25 a.m. Kim Ludlow, County Treasurer
12 1. Monthly Reports (attachment #20)
12 2. Fourth Quarter Budget Adjustments for 2020 (attachment #21)
12 3. Resolution #21-02 Waive Collection Fees/Senior Citizens (attachment #22)
12 ACTION ITEM #20: The Committee recommends we approve the
Resolution #21-02 Waive Collection Fees/Senior Citizens as presented. |
12 4. 2021 Budgeted Child Care Blended Funding (attachment #23)
12 ACTION ITEM #21: The Committee recommends we approve the Treasurer
disbursing the 2021 Budgeted Child Care Blended Funding of $150,000.00 to the Child Care Fund, as presented. |
12 5. 2021 Budgeted Capital Improvement Airport Bond (attachment #24)
12 ACTION ITEM #22: The Committee recommends we approve the Treasurer disbursing the 2021 Budgeted Capital Improvement Airport Bond payment
appropriation of $23,523.00 to the Airport P&I Debt Fund, as presented. |
12 Alpena County Finance Comittee
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