March 23, 2021 at 2:00 PM - WSCC PFD Board of Directors Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes for Regular Meeting - January 26, 2021
2.a. Minutes of the January 26, 2021 Regular Meeting
3. Public Comments
3.a. Anyone wishing to speak before the Board, either as an individual or as a member of a group, may do so at this time. Individuals desiring to speak shall give their name, address, and the group they represent, if any. A speaker is limited to three (3) minutes unless granted an extension of time.
4. Chairman's Report (Mr. Frank Finneran)
4.a. Approval of District Officers for 2021, rescinding Resolution 2020-10, Resolution #2021-05
4.b. Presentation of Consent Agenda
4.b.I. Action items:
4.b.I.a. Ratification of Additional Facility Project Contract List - February 2021
4.b.I.b. Ratification of Additional Facility Project Contract List - March 2021
4.b.I.c. Approval of Additional Facility Project Draw Schedule Payment #75 (February 2021)
4.b.I.d. Approval of Additonal Facility Project Draw Schedule Payment #76 (March 2021)
4.b.II. Informational:
4.b.II.a. WSCC Sales: January Summary Report
4.b.II.b. WSCC Sales: COVID-19 Impact on Regional-Local Business - January 2020
4.b.II.c. Monthly Expenditures - Auditing Officer Certification
4.b.II.d. Benefits Committee - 2020 Summary Report
4.b.II.e. WSCC Parking Report
4.b.II.f. Food Service Report (ARAMARK)
5. PFD Committee Reports
5.a. Addition Committee (Frank Finneran, Chair)
5.a.I. Addition Project Update
5.b. Finance Committee (Bob Flowers, Chair)
5.b.I. Approving an Amendment to the Master Trust Agreement and the Transfer Agreement to Provide for the Issuance of Junior Bonds, Resolution # 2021-06
5.b.II. Approval to Authorize the Sale of Junior Lodging Tax Notes of the District to Finance a Portion of the Costs of an Addition to the District, and to Pay Costs of Issuance, and Delegating Authority to Approve the Final Terms and Sale of the Notes, Resolution # 2021-07
5.b.III. WSCC Financial Audit Update
5.c. Government Affairs Committee (Deryl Brown-Archie, Chair)
5.c.I. Taskforce Chair Update to the Board
5.c.I.a. Memo to Taskforce from WSCC President/CEO
5.c.II. Government Relations Consultant Update Report
5.d. Art Committee (Susana Gonzalez-Murillo, Chair)
5.d.I. Addition Project Art Update
6. Visit Seattle Update
6.a. Destination Overview - Tom Norwalk, Visit Seattle
6.b. Visit Seattle Sales Report - Kelly Saling, Visit Seattle
6.c. WSCC Sales Report - Michael McQuade, WSCC
7. President's Report (Jeffrey A. Blosser)
7.a. COVID-19 WSCC Operations Discussion
7.b. Staffing Report
8. Financials (Sam Hecker)
9. Executive Session
10. Adjournment