November 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Education/Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve the Minutes
III. Public and Student Comment
IV. Presentation of Financial Projection Model Assumptions (15 minutes)
Bob Tess, Chief Finance and Business Services Officer, and Noel Tordsen, Supervisor of Financial Services, will share many of the key variables contributing to the District's multi-year financial projection model. The model represents a baseline using current information, to which adjustments are subsequently made. The projection model uses budget numbers from the 2021-2022 District budget with percentages and/or dollar amounts cast forward, along with adjustments to create this baseline. Once these assumptions are built into the projection model, it will be presented to the Board at a later date.
Expected Time to Present: 15 Minutes
V. New Course Requests for the 2022-23 School Year (Action Requested)
Jon Winter will share a proposed exploratory course.
Expected Time to Present: 5 minutes
VI. Student Fee Requests for the 2022-23 School Year (Action Requested)
Jennifer Rauscher will share the proposed Student Fees for the 2022-23 school year.
Expected Time to Present: 5 minutes
VII. 4K Program Agreement (Action Requested)
The Wausau School District four-year-old kindergarten program has entered into Program Agreements with community collaboration sites since 2002. During the past 5 years, the WSD has had agreements with the following sites: Wausau Child Care East and West Kara Rakowski, 4K Principal & Early Childhood Coordinator, and Julie Schell, Director of Elementary Education, will review the Program Agreement for the 2022-2023 school year.
VIII. School Safety Drill Update (Action Requested)
Henry Kremnitzer will present the school safety drill evaluations for approval.
Expected Time to Present: 5 minutes
IX. Policy 0144.2 Board Member Ethics
The Committee will review Policy 0144.2 Board Member Ethics.
Expected Time to Present:
X. Adjourn