August 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Education/Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve the Minutes
III. Public and Student Comment
IV. Meal Price Recommendations for 2021-22
WSD Nutrition Services Department has updated adult meal pricing for the upcoming SY. The "non pricing" option of the Wisconsin DPI Adult Meal pricing tool was used to set this pricing. The "non-pricing" formula accurately reflects the higher reimbursement rates being received for meals this SY. 2021-2022 Adult Meal Prices: $2.50 Breakfast, $4.55 Lunch Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
V. Legal Expenses Summary for 2020-21
Chief Finance and Business Services Officer, Bob Tess is presenting a summary report presenting all legal counsel expenses incurred during 2020-2021. The report is broken down by law firm and by type of legal advice sought. This is a written report that requires no action. Estimated Time to Present: 1 minute
VI. Approved List of Legal Firms for 2021-22 (Action Requested)
The presented summary lists the legal firms the District makes use of for a variety of necessary legal needs. Estimated Time to Present: 1 minute
VII. Set Annual Meeting Date and Location (Action Requested)
Administration asks the Education/Operations Committee of the Whole to recommend to the Board a date, time, and location for the budget hearing and annual meeting, thus allowing full Board approval in a timely manner. This will allow all notices and timelines to be met for an annual meeting between May 15 and October 31 pursuant to statute (s.120.08(1)(a)).
Estimated Time to Present: 2 minutes |
VIII. Share Equalized Value Estimates
Prior to October 1, only equalized valuations from municipalities are available. In order to project property value changes by school district, an assumption must be made that all property values in any given municipality change in a uniform manner. With this assumption, the District's property value is projected to decrease 1.06% for 2021-22 mill rate calculation purposes. Certified property value will not be available until October 1; the given projected property value will be used for the initial budget and during the annual meeting. Estimated Time to Present: 2 minutes
IX. Recommendation for the 2021-22 Budget (Action Requested)
Chief Finance and Business Services Officer Bob Tess offers the presented 2021-22 Budget Booklet for initial review. Contained in the publication is a preliminary budget which the Committee is being asked to recommend for use at the Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting. Estimated Time to Present: 10 minutes
X. Recommendation for 2021-22 Tax Levy (Action Requested)
Contained in the presented 2021-22 Budget Booklet is the corresponding tax levy to support the budget. Once approved, this levy will be presented at the Budget Hearing and Annual Meeting. Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
XI. School Resource Officer Agreement (Action Requested)
Angie Loyd will review the recommended changes to the School Resource Office (SRO) memorandum of understanding. Estimated Time to Present: 5 minutes
XII. Community and Staff Engagement Process (Possible Action)
Diana White will share the Community and Staff Engagement Process presentation.
Estimated Time to Present: 10 min.
XIII. Proposed Board Project (Possible Action)
Wausau School Board members have inquired about pursuing a private fundraising effort to support projects that will positively impact Wausau students. Dr. Hilts and high school administration members will present a possible indoor co-curricular facility project.
Estimated Time to Present: 10 min.
XIV. Adjourn