January 25, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Education/Operations Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve the Minutes
III. Public and Student Comment
IV. Referendum Update
The administration will provide the Board with any updates regarding the referendum.
V. Legal Expense Summary for 2nd Quarter
Chief Finance and Business Services Officer, Bob Tess is presenting a summary report representing all legal expenses incurred by the District during the second quarter of 2020-21. The report is broken down by law firm and legal advice sought.
VI. Five Year Fiscal Forecast
The Board will be presented with a five-year fiscal forecast model for the District. The model is created using a forecasting tool called the Forecast5, 5Cast budget projection tool. The projection model will continue to be applied during the next four months to aid in constructing the 2021-22 budget reconciliation plan and ultimately the 2021-22 budget. It is critical to understand that the projections are the result of many variables that independently change periodically. As significant changes to the projections occur, administration will bring them to the attention of the Board.
VII. Recommendation for 2021-22 Capital Projects (Action Requested)
Annually, a Three-Year Capital Improvement Plan is submitted to the Board of Education for approval. Larry Cihlar, Director of Buildings and Grounds, will review notable projects recently completed as well as the effect of alternate funding sources to provide context for the upcoming planned capital improvements. The projects planned for 2021-2022 are provided on the final page. Administration recommends the Committee of the Whole approve the 2021-2022 Capital Projects and corresponding budget.
VIII. Co-op Agreement for Sports (Action Requested)
Jennifer Rauscher will present the Committee with a hockey Co-op agreement for approval.
IX. Project Relaunch Update (Action Requested)
The administration will share feedback from staff on the potential return of secondary students and data from other Wisconsin districts that are already back to face to face instruction.
X. Adjourn