November 15, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call Establish a Quorum
1.2. Pledge
1.3. Prayer
1.4. Mission Statement
2. Public Comments/Open Community Forum - The public is invited to sign up and speak on matters of concern. The Board welcomes comments during the public comment part of the meeting. However, in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Board Members cannot discuss or vote on issues not posted on the agenda. Please limit comments to 5 minutes per speaker (BED Local). Sign in with recording secretary.
3. Superintendent Report: Staff and Parent of the Month, TEA Accountability Plaque Presentation, BGISD 2020 Committee, Student Superintendent Advisory Committee, Student Enrollment, and Board Discussion Items for Future Meetings.
4. Director of Curriculum and Special Programs Report: District Improvement Plan, STAAR December EOC re-test, Federal Programs Numbers 2016-2017, STAAR Testing changes: STAAR online and shortened test blueprints in grades 3-8, Curriculum Based Assessment data
5. Administrative Reports to include campus Reports, Athletic and Technology Reports
5.1. Elementary Principal's Report: Enrollment, Events/Programs, Discipline, Assessment/Academics, Recognitions
5.2. Middle School Principal's Report: Enrollment, Calendar of Activities, Discipline Notices, Parent of the month, Teacher of the month
5.3. High School Principal's Report: Ag Program Update, Special Education Update, Accountability Update, HB 5 Update, Curriculum Update, College Day, Current Enrollment, Up Coming Events and NHS
5.4. Athletic Director's Report: Athletic Report
5.5. Technology Director's Report: Recent Activity
5.6. Director of Operations and Facilities: High School, Junior High, Elementary, Transportation
5.7. Director of Food Service Report: Café Menu and updates and preliminary review report
6. Consent Agenda: Action Required
6.1. October 18, 2016 Board Minutes
6.2. Business Manager's Report:
6.2.1. Bills as paid
6.2.2. Cash Balances
6.2.3. Monthly Collection of Taxes
6.2.4. Public Hearing FIRST Rating
6.3. Campus and District Improvement Plans
7. Action Items
7.1. Consider 2015-2016 Financial Audit
7.2. Consider Professional Services of a School Auditor
7.3. Consider Board Resolution
7.4. Consider Declaring and Authorization of Sale of Surplus Buses.
7.5. Consider Hiring Financial Advisor
8. Discussion Items for Consideration for Action at Future Board Meeting
8.1. Presentation by Carter Construction regarding Field Turf and Track Facility
8.2. Presentation by Administration regarding the Implementation of a 1-1 Chrome book devise at the high school