February 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Roll Call and establish a quorum
1.2. Prayer
1.3. Pledge
1.4. Mission Statement
2. Public Comments/Open Community Forum - The public is invited to sign up and speak on matters of concern. The Board welcomes comments during the public comment part of the meeting. However, in accordance with the Texas Opens Meeting Act, Board Members cannot discuss or vote on issues not posted on the agenda. Please limit comments to 5 minutes per speaker (BED Local). Sign in with recording secretary.
3. Superintendent Report: Staff and Parent of the month, Public School Week, District Showcase
4. Academic report:
5. Administrative Reports to include campus Reports, Athletic and Technology Reports
5.1. Elementary Principal's Report: Enrollment, Events/Programs, Discipline, Assessment/Academics, Recognitions
5.2. Middle School Principal's Report: Enrollment, Calendar of Activities, Discipline Notices, Parent of the month, Teacher of the month
5.3. High School Principal's Report: FCCLA Competition, Basketball, Blooming Grove Band, Benchmarks, Upcoming Benchmark Assessments, Upcoming STAAR-EOC Assessments, AG Teaching Positions, Current Enrollment and Attendance, Upcoming Events
5.4. Athletic Director's Report: Junior High Athletic Numbers and Varsity and JV football, Volleyball, and BG lil Cheerleaders
5.5. Technology Director's Report: Recent Activity
5.6. Director of Operations and Facilities:
5.7. Director of Food Service Report: Café Menu and updates
6. Consent Agenda:
6.1. Board Members Training Hours
6.2. January 21, 2016 Board Minutes
6.3. Changes to 2015-2016 School Calendar to include adding a holiday on March 25, 2016
6.4. 2016 - 2017 School Calendar
6.5. Business Manager's Report:
6.5.1. Bills as Paid
6.5.2. Cash Balances:
6.5.3. Monthly Collection of Taxes:
7. Action Items
7.1. Consider Professional Administrators' Contract
7.2. Consider Teacher Contract
7.3. Consider Adjournment