May 21, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Establish a Quorum
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. Prayer
2. Public Forum
3. Administrative Reports
3.1. Principal's Reports
3.1.1. Enrollment,
3.1.2. Discipline Reports
3.1.3. Upcoming events
3.2. Athletic Directors Report
3.2.1. Upcoming events
3.2.2. Latest Results
3.3. Fine Arts Director Report
3.3.1. Upcoming events
3.3.2. Latest Results
3.4. Superintendent Report
3.4.1. Upcoming events/June 16
3.4.2. Awards/Recognitiions
3.4.3. Update and discuss current and future district maintenance projects
3.4.4. Discussion of Senate Bill 522 and TASB starting points
4.1. Newly elected members take Oath of Office.
4.2. Reorganization of the school board
4.2.1. President, Vice-President, Secretary
4.3. Minutes of the regular meeting on April 23, 2009 and special meeting May 12, 2009.
4.4. The Financial statements, budget amendments, tax collection report, list of non-payroll checks. bank reconciliation report
4.5. Consider approval of first reading of Update 85
4.6. Consider purchase of real property
4.7. Consider approval of personnel recommendations