November 20, 2017 at 8:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call of the Board of Education
III. Recognition of Visitors
III.1. Stephanie Weese will report on the out of state ASBO conference she attended.
IV. Public Participation
V. Approval of the Agenda
VI. Correspondence
VII. Administrative Reports/Comments/Information Items
VII.1. MAISD Update provided by Celena Mills , Jodi Willard, and Stephanie O'Dea
VII.2. Superintendent’s Report – Ronald Simon
VII.2.a. First reading of new/revised Board Policies: Policy 1421/3121/4121; 1439/3139/4139; 2410; 2414; 2418; 5630.01; 8142; 8321; 7540.03; 7540.04; 7540.05; 7540.06
VII.2.b. MAISA School Funding Resolution
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.1. Approve/Disapprove the October 9, 2017 Meeting Minutes
VIII.2. Approve/Disapprove over night conference stay for Jodi Willard to Lansing, MI for December 5-6, 2017; January 23-24, 2018; February 13-14, 2018; April 10-11, 2018; June 12-13, 2018; Amanda Sturm to Lansing, MI for November 8-9, 2017 and June 2018; Stephanie O'Dea to Lansing, MI for November 20-21, 2017; Kathryn Glanville to Lansing, MI for December 4-6, 2017
VIII.3. Approve/Disapprove Personnel Changes as follows:
VIII.3.a. New Hire: Karla LIllie, Bus Driver/Bus Aide with CDL, effective October 16, 2017
VIII.3.b. New Hire: Kimberly Simpson, Teacher Consultant, effective October 23, 2017
VIII.3.c. Resignation: RaeAnne Burke, Para Educator, effective October 30., 2017
VIII.3.d. Resignation: Bruce Bennett, SE Teacher, effective October 26, 2017
VIII.3.e. New Hire: Jackie Johnson, Bus Driver/Bus Aide with CDL, effective November 6, 2017
VIII.3.f. New Hire: Abigail Donally, Associate Teacher of GSRP, effective November 8, 2017
VIII.3.g. Resignation: Laura Wyglinski, School Psychologist, effective November 24, 2017
VIII.3.h. Retirement: Linda Hayden, Para Educator, effective December 31, 2017
VIII.4. Approve/Disapprove Donation of a APH Light-touch Perkins Brailler valued at $600.00 from Bonnie Simons
IX. Approve/Disapprove Invoices for Payment
X. Approve/Disapprove Budget Amendments for General Education, Special Education and Vocational Education as presented
XI. Approve/Disapprove the Early Childhood Investment Corporation Interlocal Agreement as presented
XII. Approve/Disapprove the MAISA School Funding Resolution
XIII. Information and Discussion Items for Future Meetings
XIII.1. Location for December Board Meeting
XIV. Adjournment