March 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Introduce Employees of the Month.
Kevin Clark/Vicky Wise
High School Professional - Cody Mitchell
Cafeteria Employee - Debbie Pharis |
III. Introduce Students of the Month.
Elementary - Colton Fisher
Intermediate - Chloe Collins Middle School - Brian Bradley High School - Nathaniel Douthitt |
IV. Recognize Intermediate student for TAEA artwork.
Kathy Marlowe
Recognize Zerick Warren (fifth grade student) for his artwork being selected to be a part of the Texas Art Education's Youth Art Month to be displayed at our Capitol.
V. Recognize CX Debate state members.
VI. Recognize varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders.
VII. Open forum.
VIII. Discussion/Action: Consider acceptance of minimum bid offer for the tax sale struck off properties previously owned by Sallie Ann Green, Cause No. 3-40607.
David Hudson
Information will be presented at the meeting by tax attorney, David Hudson.
IX. Discussion/Action: Approve extension of contract with Chartwell's for food service management for the 2014-15 school year.
Dr. DeSpain/Michael Leonard
Recommendation: Approve contract extension with Chartwell's for 2014-15.
X. Discussion/Action: Consider approving the Quarterly Investment Report ending February 28, 2014.
Donna Hobson
Recommendation: Approve Quarterly Investment Report as presented.
XI. Discussion/Action: Consider approving the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for the 2014-15 school year.
Ron Mays
Annually the superintendent and the board of trustees are required to certify that the district has materials to cover the TEKS of the required curriculum, other than P.E. (TEC 28.002).
Recommendation: Approve Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for the 2014-15 school year as presented. |
XII. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
XII.i. Minutes - February 24, 2014 regular meeting
XII.ii. Tax Report
XII.iii. Financial Report
XII.iv. Accounts Payable
XII.v. Elementary Principal Report
| Intermediate Principal Report
XII.vii. Middle School Principal Report
XII.viii. High School Principal Report
XII.ix. Technology Director Report
XII.x. Special Programs Director Report
XII.xi. Superintendent Report
XII.xi.a. Summer Leadership Institute (San Antonio or Fort Worth)
Let Tammie know by March 31st. She will make reservations on April 1, 2014.
XII.xii. Miscellaneous
XIII. Closed Session:
XIII.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
Dr. Despain
XIII.i.a. Ratify resignation
Kasey West - MS/HS Teacher
Cindy Pace - High School PEIMS Clerk (No action needed) Cindy Rubalcava - 1st Grade Aide (No action needed) |
XIII.i.b. Consider personnel contracts
Recommendation: Extend contracts of personnel as recommended by principals.
XIII.i.c. Student Transfer List
Added: Anthony Ahmed (Foster child of Rebekah Craig - 1st grade Teacher).
Also added Colton & Payton Newman. They are moving into the Slocum school district and have asked permission to complete the remainder of the school year at Elkhart. If they remain in Elkhart next year they have been informed they will be required to pay tuition fee. Recommendation: Approve Student Transfer List as presented. |
XIII.ii. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel.
Dr. DeSpain
XIV. Re-open meeting.
XV. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
Dr. DeSpain
1. Recommendaton: Ratify resignation from Kasey West.
2. Recommendation: Approve contracts as recommended by principals. 3. Recommendation: Approve Student Transfer List as presented. |
XVI. Adjourn.