November 19, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Called Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order.
Absent: |
II. Introduce Employees of the Month.
High School Professional - Deanna Lock
Elementary Employee - Rhonda Jordan |
III. Introduce Students of the Month.
Elementary - Laynie Tubbs
Intermediate - Laci McEnturff Middle School - Alex Thlang High School - Josie Graves |
IV. Recognize cross country teams and coaches.
V. Recognize volleyball team and coaches.
Katie Lankford
VI. Open forum.
VII. Discussion/Action: Appoint new member to the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC).
Dr. Taylor
Recommendation: Appoint Lori Garcia to the School Health Advisory Committee.
VIII. Discussion/Action: Approve the Summer Food Program Waiver Notice to the School Health Advisory Committee.
Dr. Taylor
Elkhart I.S.D. received notice from the Texas Department of Agriculture that, due to the percentage of students eligible to participate in the National Free and Reduced Meal Program, we re required to offer a minimum 30-day summer nutrition program. If the district intends to apply for a waiver from this program requirement, the board of trustees must submit a letter to the School Health Advisory Committee by November 30, 2012. The letter is presented this evening for your approval and signature.
It is anticipated that the cost of the Summer Nutrition Program, and other program requirements, will present a substantial financial burden to the district with very limited anticipated benefit to the children in our district boundaries. Recommendation: Approve the submission of the waiver to the District School Health Advisory Committee. |
IX. Discussion/Action: Consider changing December board meeting date to December 17, 2012.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Change December board meeting date from December 24, 2012 to December 17, 2012.
X. Discussion/Action: Commit a portion of the fund balance for future building, grounds, and capital improvement projects.
Donna Hobson
Recommendation: Approve figures as presented.
XI. Discussion/Action: Amend the 2012-13 Elkhart I.S.D. Budget
Donna Hobson
Recommendation: Approve amendments as presented.
XII. Discussion/Action: Review /approve administrative reports.
XII.i. Minutes - October 22, 2012 public and regular meetings
XII.ii. Tax Report
XII.iii. Financial Report
XII.iv. Accounts Payable
XII.v. Elementary Principal Report
| Intermediate Principal Report
XII.vii. Middle School Principal Report
XII.viii. High School Principal Report
XII.ix. Technology Director Report
XII.x. Special Programs Director Report
XII.xi. Curriculum Director Report
XII.xii. Superintendent Report
XII.xiii. Board Communications
XII.xiv. Board Concerns
XII.xv. Miscellaneous
XIII. Closed Session:
XIII.i. Consider personnel matters with regard to confirmation of hiring/employing professional personnel, resignations, assignments and complaints.
Dr. Despain
XIII.i.a. Ratify resignation.
Dr. DeSpain
Recommendation: Ratify resignation of Dana Moon (high school teacher).
XIII.ii. Consider discipline of a public school child, or complaint or charge against personnel.
Dr. DeSpain
XIII.ii.a. Addition to Student Transfer List
Dr. DeSpain
Madeline Hagemier is currently in the 3rd grade and has attended school since 1st grade (8/23/10). Her parents currently own two homes (one in Palestine and one in Elkhart). Madeline and her parents will be moving to the home in Palestine and the grandparents will be moving to Elkhart due to financial constraints.
XIV. Re-open meeting.
XV. Discussion/Action: Consider items discussed in closed session.
Dr. DeSpain
XVI. Adjourn.