May 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. All voting will be done in open session.
II. Establish a quorum and call the meeting to order
III. US Pledge of Allegiance; Texas Pledge of Allegiance and Prayer
IV. Public Comment
V. Board Officers to be Reorganized
V.A. Election of Board President
V.B. Election of Board Vice-President
V.C. Election of Board Secretary
VI. Statement of Officer and Oath of Office for Incoming Board Members
VII. Conflict of Interest disclosure form all board members.
VIII. Reports
VIII.A. Principal's Report
VIII.A.1. Current Enrollment / Attendance Rate
VIII.A.2. Athletic Report
IX. Superintendent Report
IX.A. District Announcements / Information
IX.A.1. TEA Monitor Report
IX.A.2. IDEA-B MOE Workbook Allocation Amount
IX.A.3. Special Education/ESL Student Summary April 23
IX.A.4. Migrant Education Program Update Report July 2017-May 2018
IX.A.5. TEA Notice of Non-Selection for 18-19 Technology Grant
IX.A.6. Student outcomes/STAAR testing results
IX.A.7. TEA letter regarding DCISD campus turnaround plan.
IX.A.8. Data to reflect why DCISD is in 2 year IR status
IX.B. Support Services
IX.B.1. School Grounds
IX.B.1.a. Sign installed
IX.B.1.b. Mr. Cabral to purchase old swamp cooler
IX.B.2. Transportation
IX.B.2.a. New Vehicles
IX.B.3. School Housing
X. DCISD Appraisal Board Representative Report
X.A. Appoint new representative to represent Dell City ISD, on the board of the Hudspeth Appraisal District.
XI. Finance Reports
XI.A. Finance Reports
XI.A.1. Bank Statements
XI.A.1.a. M&O
XI.A.1.b. Student Organizations
XI.B. Check Register Review
XI.C. Tax Reports
XI.D. FIRST Public Lone Star Investment Report
XI.E. FROST- Pledged Securities Report
XII. Items on the Agenda: The subjects (order may be changed) to be discussed, considered, or upon which any formal action may be taken, are as follows...
XII.A. Consideration and/or possible action on ESC 18 Interlocal Agreement for the 18-19 school year.
XII.B. Consideration and/or possible action to revise ESC 11 Service Agreement for 17-18 school year.
XII.C. Consideration and/or possible action ESC 19 Migrant Education Program Shared Service Agreement for 2018-2019 school year.
XII.D. Consideration and/or possible action removal of Kevin Lynch from Dell City ISD M&O bank account and Student Activity bank account.
XII.E. Consideration and possible action removal of David Mendoza from the DCISD M&O bank account and Student Activity Account
XII.F. Consideration and possible action on approval of February 15th, 2018 minutes and April 19th, 2018 minutes.
XIII. Executive Session:
XIII.A. Personnel (Resignations, Assignments, Terminations)- discussion of appointment,
employment, evaluation, reassignment, compensation, or duties of public employee. No action will be taken during closed session; action, if any, will be in open session. |
XIII.A.1. Discussion on the contract of Ruben Cervantes for Superintendent.
XIII.A.2. Discussion to appoint nominees to fill the vacancy Board Trustees seats.
XIV. The Board will return to Open Session to take appropriate action
XIV.A. Consideration and/or possible action on the contract of Ruben Cervantes' for Superintendent.
XIV.B. Consideration and/or possible action on professional staff contracts for employment for 18-19 fiscal year.
XIV.C. Consideration and/or possible action to add Ruben Cervantes to the Dell City ISD M&O bank account and Student Activity account.
XIV.D. Consideration and/or possible action to remove Dr. Maria Luisa Niestas from the Dell City ISD M&O bank account and Student Activity bank account.
XIV.E. Consideration and/or possible action to appoint nominees to fill the vacancy Board Trustees seats.
XV. Next Meeting Tentative Date: Regular Meeting, June 21st, 2018 at 6:00 PM.
XVI. Adjournment of the meeting