February 12, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE The order of these agenda items may be changed. Consideration of items may include deliberation and/or action. II. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. February LSG Monitoring Report A. Goal 2 GPM 2.1 GPM 2.2 GPM 2.3 B. Superintendent Evaluation of Goal 2 and Next Steps C. Superintendent Constraint 2 CPM 2.1 D. Board Accept/Reject Report 2. Recognition of the Spelling Bee Champions at the 4th – 8th Grades 3. Presentation of Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2017-2018 for Donna ISD III. OPEN FORUM IV. CONSENT AGENDA A. BUSINESS AND FINANCE 1. Approve Accounts Payable 2. Approve Budget Amendments for General Operation for the Month of January 2019 3. Report Financial Statements for the Month of December, 2018 4. \Approve Report on Monthly Tax Collections for the Month of December, 2018 5. Approve to Award Toyota Lift of South Texas for the Purchase of a Forklift RFP #101718-435 for the Warehouse 6. Report of Management Fess Under Purchasing Contracts B. ACADEMIC SERVICES 1. Approve Ratification Out of State Trip to Indianapolis, Indiana January 29, 2019 through February 2, 2019 2. Approve Declaration of Texas Public School Week March 4-8, 2019 3. Approve Microsoft Annual Renewal and PCMG as the Awarded Vendor 4. Approve the 2019 Migrant University Summer Experience (M.U.S.E.) Interlocal Cooperation Contract with the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) 5. Approve Bilingual/ESL Department and Reading Strategist to Attend The National Association of Bilingual Education Conference in Orlando, Florida March 6-9, 2019 C. DISTRICT OPERATIONS 1. Approve Minutes for Regular Board Meeting, January 15, 2019 and Special Board Meeting, January 22, 2019 2. Approve Payment Application #7 in the Amount of $236,029.83 to NM Contracting, LLC for Todd Middle School Classroom Additions 3. Approve Payment Application #8 in the Amount of $197,882.71 to NM Contracting, LLC for Todd Middle School Classroom Additions 4. Approve to Award Benz Lawn Maintenance for Lawn Care Services for Donna North High School for 2018-2019 School Year with a One (1) Year Option to Re-New RFP # 110218-436 |
II. 2. Approve to Award Benz Lawn Maintenance for
Lawn Care Services for Garza, Muñoz, Singleterry and Adame Elementary Schools for 2018-2019 School Year with a One (1) Year Option to Re-New RFP # 110218-437 3. Approve to Dispose Surplus Items and Auction on Non-Operable Vehicle 4. Approve Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Between County of Hidalgo, Texas and Donna ISD A. HUMAN RESOURCES 1. Approve Summer School Personnel Rates 2018-2019 2. Approve Additional Title IX Coordinator to Comply with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 3. Approve Donna ISD T-TESS Certified Appraisers 4. Approve First Reading of Policy Update 112 V. GOVERNANCE 1. Conservator Monthly Report for December VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel · Recommendations for Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Auxiliary Personnel · Update of District Personnel B. Discussion of Level III Grievance of Maritza A. Park C. Discussion of Level III Grievance of Santiago Sustaita D. Discussion of Level III Grievance of Norma Torres E. Discussion of Level III Grievance of Erika Zarate F. Discussion Regarding Resolution in Padilla v. DISD G. Discussion and Private Consultation with Attorney Regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney VII. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session. A. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel · Approval of Recommendation for Professionals, Paraprofessionals and Auxiliary Personnel B. Discussion and Possible Action of Level III Grievance of Maritza A. Park C. Discussion and Possible Action of Level III Grievance of Santiago Sustaita D. Discussion and Possible Action of Level III Grievance of Norma Torres E. Discussion and Possible Action of Level III Grievance of Erika Zarate F. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Resolution in Padilla v. DISD G. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney VIII. ADJOURN |