January 23, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE The order of these agenda items may be changed. Consideration of items may include deliberation and/or action. Board Recognition 1. Board Recognition Month January 2018 II. OPEN FORUM III. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Reschedule Regular Board Meeting from March 13, 2018 to March 20, 2018 2. Report on Health Insurance Fund FY 2016-2017 IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Accounts Payable 2. Discussion and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for General Operating for the Month of December, 2017 3. Investment Report: December 2017 4. Financial Statements: District’s Financial and Child Nutrition Program for December, 2017 5. Report on Monthly Tax Collections for the Month of November, 2017 6. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting December 12, 2017 and Special Board Meetings December 5, 2017, December 7, 2017 and December 18, 2017 V. DISTRICT OPERATIONS DO.1 Architect’s Monthly Report (ROFAA): * Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects DO.2 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Schematic Design for Todd Middle School Classroom Addition DO.3 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Dedication of Sauceda Middle School Drainage Ditch (4.848 acres) and North Avenue Easement (0.06 acres) and North Avenue ROW Easement (0.15 acres) for a Total of 5.058 Acres to the City of Donna DO.4 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Dedication of Redskin Avenue from FM 493 to Wood Avenue which includes 10 ft. Easement for All of Redskin Avenue on South side from FM 493 and 40 ft. to Wood Avenue for a Total of 1.423 Acres to the City of Donna VI. ACADEMIC SERVICES AS.1 Discussion and Possible Action on the Approval of Title I (A) Improving Basic Programs Reallocation NOGA # 1861010118902 (Fund 211) in the Amount of $99,588 AS.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Title I (C) Migrant Program Reallocation NOGA #18615001108902 (Fund 212) in the Amount of $206,908 AS.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Title III (A) English Language Acquisition (ELA) Reallocation NOGA # 18671001108902 (Fund 263) in the Amount of $107,063 AS.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program (SSAEP) Reallocation NOGA # 18680101108902 (Fund 289) in the Amount of $6,227 AS.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction Reallocation NOGA # 18694501108902 (Fund 255) in the Amount of $54,089 AS.6 Discussion and Possible Action to Renew Renaissance Learning Accelerated Reader Subscription for the 2018-2019 School Year for All Elementary and Middle School Libraries VII. BUSINESS AND FINANCE |
II. BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action to Solicit
Request for Qualifications (RFQ # 011217-314) for a Law Firm for Delinquent Tax Collections Services for Donna Independent School District BF.2 Discussion and Possible Action to reject and rebid RFP 091917-366A for Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Services for District Owned White Fleet Vehicles for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 School Years with a One Year Option to Renew BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action to reject and rebid RFP 091917-366B for Vehicle Repairs for District Owned Buses for 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 School Years with a One Year Option to Renew VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Discussion of District Personnel C. Discussion Regarding Resolution of Ernest Lugo v. DISD D. Discussion Regarding Resolution of Maricela Valdez Proposed Termination Hearing E. Discussion Regarding Proposed Resolution of SOAH Docket No. 407-17-5638.F5; Rodolfo Garza and Roy Padilla v. Donna I.S.D. F. Status Update of Executive Search for Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources G. Discussion and Private Consultation with Attorney Regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney IX. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session. A. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve District Personnel C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Resolution of Ernest Lugo v. DISD D. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Resolution of Maricela Valdez Proposed Termination Hearing E. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Proposed Resolution of SOAH Docket No. 407-17-5638.F5; Rodolfo Garza and Roy Padilla v. Donna I.S.D. F. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney X. ADJOURN |