May 9, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/MOMENT OF SILENCE The order of these agenda items may be changed. Consideration of items may include deliberation and/or action. Board Recognition 1. Recognition of Student Athletes for Special Olympics Spring Games 2. Recognition of Donna North Athletes for Powerlifting, Track, Golf, and Donna High Athletes for Track, Golf, Baseball, Powerlifting and Tennis 3. Recognition of Donna High School Band Students Participating at the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest 4. Recognition of Collaborative Health Fair Event, Fiesta de Salud, Between Donna ISD, Donna North High School and UTRGV II. OPEN FORUM III. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. Report on Financing for the Construction of New Middle School 2. Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Reschedule the Regular Board Meeting from June 13, 2017 to June 6, 2017 3. Report on 2017 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System Performance (TELPAS) Results 4. Presentation on Simultaneous Biliteracy 5. Report on Donna ISD Summer Camps and Conditioning 6. Report on Donna ISD Summer Recreation – City of Donna Programs IV. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Accounts Payable 2. Discussion and Possible Action on Budget Amendments for General Operating and Special Revenue for the Month of April, 2017 3. Investment Report: April 2017 4. Financial Statements: District’s Financial and Child Nutrition Program for April 2017 5. Report on Monthly Tax Collections for the Month of March, 2017 6. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting April 11, 2017 DO. DISTRICT OPERATIONS DO.1 Architect’s Monthly Report (ROFAA): * Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects DO.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Final Payment #4 to NM Contracting LLC for Donna North High School Paving Improvements DO.3 Presentation of Summer Feeding Program AS. ACADEMIC SERVICES |
II. AS.1 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2017-2018 School Calendar to Reflect the Revised 2018 Graduation Date for Both High Schools
AS.2 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2016-2020 Texas Title I Priority Schools Grant, Cycle 5 NOGA #166107307110003 in the amount of $1,959,259 AS.3 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Purchase of Partners in Print: Primary Complete Program in English and Spanish as Part of the Requirement of the Pre-K Grant AS.4 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Spanish Textbook Adoption for the 2017-2018 School Year for all Secondary Campuses AS.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Process for Revising and Refreshing District Vision and Mission AS.6 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Purchase of Lupe Lloyd and Associates Academic Simultaneous Biliteracy Academic Excellence Model for the following Five Campuses: Rivas, Runn, Salinas, Singleterry, and Salazar Elementary Schools BF. BUSINESS AND FINANCE BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action to Solicit Request for Quotes (RFQ) #050217-358 Using Buy Board and State of Texas Purchasing Cooperatives as the Procurement Method for Art and Décor for LeNoir Elementary, Garza Elementary & Ochoa Elementary Cafeterias for School Year 2016-2017 – Turn-Key Project BF.2 Discussion and Possible Action to Solicit Request for Quotes (RFQ) #050217-357 to Purchase a Refrigerated Box Truck for the Child Nutrition Department for School Year 2016-2107 BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action to Reject and Rebid for Quotes (RFQ) #012517-037 to Purchase One (1) 60’ Bucket Truck Not to Exceed $55,000 BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action to Reject and Rebid for Proposals (RFP) #010417-352 Electrical Repair and Services District Wide for School Year 2017-2018 BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Vendors of RFP # 022187-356 for a Turn-Key Solution to Lease Computers for a 3 Year Term and Option to Buyout Not to Exceed $1 (All Secondary Campuses and 1 Full Lab at 14 Elementary Campuses) BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action to Solicit Request for Proposals (RFP) #03217-358 Mops and Mats District Wide for School Year 2017-2018 BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Vendors to Purchase 23 Interactive Flat Panels for Donna North High School (T-Stem Academy Teachers and Core Teachers in Modular Building) BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action to Rebid for Proposals (RFP) #010417-353 Security & Fire Alarm System Monitoring, Parts and Repair Services for School Year 2017-2018 BF.9 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #121616-306 for Financial Audit Services BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendor for Request for Proposals (RFP) #032117-357 for Bank Depository Services HR. HUMAN RESOURCES HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Donna ISD and Hidalgo County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) for the 2017-2018 School Year |
III. HR.2 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the
Proposed Policy DEC (Local) HR.3 Discussion and Possible Action to Award RFP #021317-355 Self-Funded and Fully-Funded Health Insurance Program to Include Claim Administrator Services, PPO, Stoploss/Reinsurance and Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) HR.4 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Renewal of Prologic Technology System Inc., Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plans for District’s Fiscal Year 2017-2018 HR.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval for Health Plan Design and Recalculating Services with Personalized Prevention HR.6 Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Board using TASB Inventory to Assess Current Responsibilities and Practices of the Board HR.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Ratification to Change Effective/Anniversary Date for Health, Pharmacy, Dental and Vision Benefits from September 1 to October 1 and all Voluntary Products from January 1 to October 1 HR.8 Discussion and Possible Action to Implement Open Enrollment for Grades PK–12 Starting the 2017-2018 School Year V. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Discussion on District Personnel C. Discussion Regarding Rescinding Proposed Termination of Roxanna Gonzalez D. Discussion of the Proposed Terminations of Probationary Contract Employees E. Discussion of the Proposed Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employees Due to Lack of Grant Funding F. Discussion of the Proposed Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employees G. Discussion of the Recommendations to Offer Letters of Reasonable Assurance for Employment for the 2017-2018 School Year H. Discussion of the Recommendations NOT to Offer Letters of Reasonable Assurance for Employment for the 2017-2018 School Year I. Conduct Level III Grievance of Donald O. Crist Jr. J. Discussion on Proposed Superintendent Evaluation Instrument K. Discussion on Proposed Superintendent Evaluation Calendar for School Year 2017-2018 L. Discussion Only on Proposed Board and Superintendent Goals M. Discussion and Private Consultation with Attorney Regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney VI. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session. A. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve of District Personnel C. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Rescinding Proposed Termination of Roxanne Gonzalez D. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Proposed Terminations of Probationary Contract Employees E. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Proposed Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employees Due to Lack of Grant Funding F. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Proposed Non-Renewal of Term Contract Employees G. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Recommendations to Offer Letters of Reasonable Assurance for Employment for the 2017-2018 School Year H. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Recommendations NOT to Offer Letters of Reasonable Assurance for Employment for the 2017-2018 School Year I. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Level III Grievance of Donald O. Crist Jr. J. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Proposed Superintendent Evaluation Instrument K. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Proposed Superintendent Evaluation Calendar for School Year 2017-2018 L. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation, Settlement Matters, and/or Matters Where the Professional Duty Under State Board Requires Private Consultation with the School Attorney VII. ADJOURN |