March 26, 2013 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Board Recognition 1. Pledge of Allegiance - Genesis Alvarez - 5th Grade - LeNoir Elementary 2. Pledge to the Texas Flag - Angelica Luisa Gonzalez - 5th Grade -Salazar Elementary 3. Invocation - Araceli Garza - ELA Teacher - Donna High School 4. Recognition of State Qualifiers for the ExxonMobil Texas Science and Engineering Fair in San Antonio, Texas 5. Recognition of Donna High School Students, as Texas High School Girls Power Lifting Meet State Qualifiers 6. Recognition of Selection of George Garcia, Jr. as West All-Star Player II. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT 1. Presentation of ENCORE GRANT (Engaging Communities for College Readiness) to Donna ISD by Texas Valley Communities Foundation Chief Executive Officer Gilbert Maldonado III. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA 1. Accounts Payable 2. Budget Amendments for General Operating andSpecial Revenue Funds 3. Financial Statements: District Financial, Bond Cash Flow And Child Nutrition Program (January 2013) 4. Investment Report (February 2013) 5. Report on Monthly Tax Collection for the Month of January 2013 6. Approval of Minutes for Regular Board Meeting, and Special Board Meeting, SS. SUPPORT SERVICES SS.1 Architect's (PBK)/Construction Manager at Risk (SKANSKA) Monthly Report: * Status Report on Donna North High School SS.2 Architect’s Monthly Report (ERO): * Status Report on All of Donna ISD’s Current Facility Projects CI. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION CI.1 Report on "The Leaders In Me" Campus, Developing Leaders One Child at a Time Initiative for Salazar Elementary CI.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Title I, Part C - Migrant Notice of Grant Award (NOGA) #13615001108902 (Fund 212) in the Amount of $86,999.00 BF. BUSINESS AND FINANCE BF.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to E-Con Group, LLC for Donna Networking Operating Center Project No. 119 BF.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. for Donna ISD Transportation Fuel Station (Application No. 2) BF.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Texas Descon, L.P. For CMAR Project No. 11-034 (Application No. 11) BF.4 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Initiate Payment to Skanska USA Building, Inc. Donna North High School Project No. 2010-19 (Application No. 17) BF.5 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of PBK Architects, Inc. Allowance Expenditure Authorization for Donna North High School Project to Skanska USA Building (Authorization No. 039, 040, and 042) BF.6 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order to E-Con Group. LLC for Donna Networking Operating Center (NOC) |
VI. BF.7 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Accept Change Proposal 002 or 003 for Donna CMAR, Earl Scott Field House (Elevator) Project No. 2012-045B
BF.8 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Accept Change Order for Texas Descon, L.P. to Donna ISD Improvements; Athletic Facilities, Donna High School, W.A. Todd 9th Grade Campus, and Network Operating Center Project No. 11-034 BF.9 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Change Order No. One (1) and Initiate Final Payment for Mission Paving C., Inc. For J.W. Caceres and M. Rivas Elementary Paving Improvements Project No. 12-151 BF.10 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval to Accept Government Capital Corporation Public Property Finance Act Contract No. 6218 (Buses) BF.11 Discussion and Possible Action Authorizing Administration to Solicit Request for Proposals (RFP’s) for Bank Depository Services BF.12 Discussion and Possible Action Authorizing Administration to Solicit Request for Proposal (RFP’s) for Medicaid Reimbursement Filing Services Consent Agenda (BF.13 through BF.37) BF.13 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Awards and Incentives Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-300 BF.14 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Art Supplies Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-301 BF.15 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Physical Education Supplies Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-302 BF.16 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Office Supplies and Furniture Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-303 BF.17 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Instructional Supplies & STARR Material Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-304 BF.18 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Science Supplies Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-305 BF.19 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Medical Supplies Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-306 BF.20 Dissuasion and Possible Action to Award Vendors for Special Education Catalog and Discount Bid #021213-307 BF.21 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Track Equipment and Supplies BF.22 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Cross Country Equipment and Supplies BF.23 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Powerlifting Equipment and Supplies BF.24 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Girls Soccer Equipment and Supplies BF.25 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Soccer Equipment and Supplies BF.26 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Baseball Equipment and Supplies BF.27 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Boys Basketball Equipment and Supplies BF.28 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Girls Softball Equipment and Supplies BF.29 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Girls Track Equipment and Supplies BF.30 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Volleyball Equipment and Supplies BF.31 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Additional Vendors for Donna North High School Football Equipment and Supplies BF.32 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 1 Woodwind Instruments BF.33 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 2 Brass Instruments BF.34 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 3 Concert Percussion BF.35 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 4 Concert Instruments BF.36 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 5 Marching Percussion/ Mallets BF.37 Discussion and Possible Action to Award Vendors to Supply Donna North High School Fine Arts Equipment for Group 8 Electronic Equipment End of Consent Agenda BF.38 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Insight Investments, LLC Master Lease Agreement for District Wide Technology Equipment HR. HUMAN RESOURCES HR.1 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Workers’ Compensation Third Party Administrator (TPA) RFP #013013-233 HR.2 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the Renewal of the Professional Services Agreement with Valley Risk Consulting, Inc. for Risk Management and Consulting Services HR.3 Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of Implementation of Departmental Hiring Freeze for DISD IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION as Authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.075, 551.076, 551.082, 551.083 and 551.084. A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding the Purchase of Properties Located at 309 Business Highway 83 and 112 South 3rd Street, Donna, Texas C. Consider and Discuss Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers D. Consider and Discuss Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of the Contract Period * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers V. OPEN SESSION - Take possible action on matters discussed in Executive Session. A. Approval of Superintendent’s Recommendation of Personnel B. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding the Purchase of Properties Located at 309 Business Highway 83 and 112 South 3rd Street, Donna, Texas C. Consider and Take Possible Action on Proposed Non-Renewals of Term Contract Employees * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers D. Consider and Take Possible Action on Termination of Probationary Contract Teachers at the End of the Contract Period * Elementary School Teachers * Middle School Teachers * High School Teachers VI. OPEN FORM VII. ADJOURN |