December 15, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish that a Quorum is Present
2. Pledges of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
3. Public Comments and Recognitions
3.A. Recognition of Students - TISD Christmas Card
3.A.1. Yazmin Garcia, 3rd grade - Judy Harrell, teacher
3.A.2. Yareli Larraga, 5th grade - Cindy Oakley, teacher
3.A.3. Veronica Orr, 7th grade - Karen Cory, teacher
3.A.4. Manon Parmentier, 12th grade - Eileen Thompson, teacher
3.B. Campus Spotlights - Terrell High School
4. Consent Items
4.A. Minutes of November 17, 2008 Regular Meeting
4.B. Financial Reports for October 2008
5. Set Date for Special Meeting - Team of Eight Training
6. Consent to Creation of Financing District(s) - Seay and Mann Properties
7. Policy Update 84, Affecting Local Policies Listed
7.A. BJCF(Local): Superintendent - Nonrenewal
7.B. CDA(Local): Other Revenues - Investments
7.C. CE(Local): Annual Operating Budget
7.D. CI(Local): School Properties Disposal
7.E. CNA(Local): Transportation Management - Student Transportation
7.F. DFBB(Local): Term Contracts - Nonrenewal
7.G. EEH(Local0: Instructional Arrangements - Homebound Instruction
7.H. FDB(Local): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
7.I. FNCE(Local): Student Conduct - Telecommunications/Electronic Devices
8. District Employees and Officers
8.A. Resignations Previously Accepted by the Superintendent
9. Administrative Reports and Information
9.A. Superintendent's Report
9.A.1. Superintendent/Board Goals
9.A.2. District Activities and Information - December
9.B. Exit Level Retest Results
Lauren Johnson
9.C. Board Training Report
Kelly Rodgers
10. Closed Session - Deliberation pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074 regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, or dismissal of an employee.
10.A. Athletic Director
10.B. Preliminary - Superintendent's Summative Evaluation
11. Possible action regarding closed session deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, or dismissal of an employee - Athletic Director
12. Adjournment