July 16, 2007 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish that a Quorum is Present
2. Closed Session
Deliberation Regarding Real Property - Texas Government Code - 551.072
2.A. Land Discussion
3. Reconvene into Open Session - 6:30 p.m.
4. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
5. Recognitions and Public Comments
6. Consent Items - ACTION
6.A. Minutes of June 18, 2007 Regular Meeting
6.B. Financial Reports for May 2007
6.C. Quarterly Investment Report for March 1, 2007 - May 31, 2007
7. Budget Amendment # 2 - ACTION
8. Accept Resignation of Board Member Esther Wrighting Young - ACTION
9. Revised 2007-08 School Calendar - ACTION
10. Change Board Meeting Dates for January and March 2008 - ACTION
11. Policy Update 80, Affecting LOCAL Policies - ACTION
11.A. BBFA(LOCAL): Ethics - Conflict of Interest Disclosures
11.B. CPC(LOCAL): Office Management - Records Management
11.C. DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Credentials and Records
11.D. DBD(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions - Conflict of Interest
11.E. DC(LOCAL): Employment Practices
11.F. DCD(LOCAL): Employment Practices - At-Will Employment
11.G. DEAA(LOCAL): Compensation and Benefits - Incentives and Stipends
11.H. DFBB(LOCAL): Term Contacts - Nonrenewal
11.I. DH(LOCAL): Employee Standards of Conduct
11.J. DN(LOCAL): Performance Appraisal
11.K. EEJB(LOCAL): Individualized Learning - Credit by Examination Without Prior Instruction
11.L. EIF(LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Graduation
12. Local District Updates, Affecting Local Policies - ACTION
12.A. AE(LOCAL): Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement
12.B. DMC(LOCAL): Continuing Professional Education
12.C. FNF(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Interrogations and Searches
13. District Employees and Officers
13.A. Resignations Previously Accepted by the Superintendent
13.B. Election of Personnel - ACTION
14. Superintendent and Administrative Reports
14.A. Annual Bilingual/ESL Report
14.B. June TAKS Results
15. Information Items
15.A. Budget Work Session - August 1 or 2, 2007
15.B. Legislative Update Training - Region 10 - August 6, 8, 14, or 16
15.C. New Teacher Luncheon - FMS - August 16, 2007 - 11:45 a.m.
15.D. Special Board Meeting - August 28, 2007 - Noon
15.E. TASB/TASA Convention - Dallas Convention Center - September 28-30, 2007
16. Closed Session
Consultation with Attorney - Texas Government Code 551.071 Personnel Matters -Texas Government Code 551.074
16.A. Consider Angie Hiepler Level III Grievance - TISD Employee, Chip Gregory
17. Consider any Action as a Result of Closed Sessions
18. Adjournment - ACTION