May 21, 2007 at 4:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish that a Quorum is present
2. Administer Oath of Office to New Trustees, Thomas Mosley and Anita Mann
3. Canvass Election Returns for School Trustee Election Conducted on May 12, 2007 - Action
4. Election of Board Officers - Action
5. Closed Session - Consultation with Attorney and Personnel Matters, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074
5.A. Consider Tracy Smith Level III Grievance - TISD Employee, Pete Gee
5.B. Consider Tracy Smith Level III Grievance - TISD Employee, Hutch Hill
6. Reconvene into Open Meeting - 6:30 p.m.
7. Pledge of Allegiance to American Flag and Texas Flag Moment of Silence
8. Recognitions and Public Comments
8.A. E! Terrell Volunteers
8.B. Campus Spotlights - Terrell High School
9. Strategic Planning Update
10. Consent Items - Action
10.A. Minutes of April 23, 2007, Regular Meeting
10.B. Financial Reports for March 2007
11. TISD 2007-08 Proposed Payroll Increase - Action
12. Pupil Transportation Proposal and Contract for period of July 1, 2007 through June 20, 2008 with Option to Renew for up to Five Years - Action
13. Resolution - Safe Schools/Strong Families Project - Action
14. TISD Participation in "Safe Routes to School" Grant - Action
15. 2007-08 High School Allotment Funds - Action
16. District Employees and Officers
16.A. Resignations Previously Accepted by the Superintendent
16.B. Election of Personnel - Action
17. Superintendent and Administrative Reports
17.A. TAKS, SDAA II, Exit Level Retest, TELPAS Scores
Dr. Beverly Burr
17.B. Reading First
Dr. Beverly Burr
18. Closed Session - Consultation with Attorney and Personnel Matters, Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074
18.A. Consider Deloy and Angie Hiepler Grievance Level III - TISD Employee, Walt Davis
19. Consider any Action as a Result of Closed Sessions
20. Adjournment - Action