June 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Comment
5. Approval of Minutes
5.A. Minutes of the March 15, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. (Changes-highlighted.)
5.B. Minutes of the April 19, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
5.C. Minutes of the May 17, 2023 Regular Board Meeting.
5.D. Minutes of the May 30, 2023 Special Board Meeting. In Process.
5.E. Minutes of the June 6, 2023 Decennial Committee on Local Government Public Efficiency Act 102-1008. In Process.
6. Payment of the Bills
6.A. Approve operating expenses of $389,612.37, payroll expenses of $228,683.86, Special Reserve expenses of $64,772.76, for a total monthly expense of $683,068.99.
7. Trustee Reports
7.A. President's Report
7.B. Trustees
7.C. Secretary's Report
7.C.1) As required by Illinois Law 75 ILCS 16 Public Library District Act of 1991 the Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall file a statement of organization with the County Clerk and the State Librarian listing the names and addresses of the Trustees and Officers and their respective terms in office. The required notice has been filed.
7.D. Treasurer's Report
7.D.1) Review Financial Reports
8. Director's Report
8.A. Library Activity Statistics
8.B. Monthly Program Statistics
8.C. Library Highlights
9. New Business
9.A. Discuss with possible action Ordinance 23-01 setting the Schedule of Meetings of the Board of Trustees of the Niles-Maine District Library for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2024.
9.B. Set dates for a special meeting for discussing the 2023-2024 budget and tentative dates for the public notice and public hearing.
9.C. Terminate the legal representation by Attorney Yvette Heinzelman and Clark Hill as of 5/17/2023 and retain Lisa Callaway of Engler Callaway Baasten & Sraga, LLC to provide legal representation with respect to certain general labor and employment matters as per the Terms of Engagement for Legal Services.
9.D. Discuss with possible action expenditure of $2,000 for the 4th of July 2023 Parade and After Party at Grennan Heights.
9.E. Purchase of the annual General Liability, Auto and Workers' Compensation Insurance policies starting July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 in the total amount of $66,122.
9.F. Purchase 1-year subscription renewal of 4 Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App Licenses from CDW-G for $5,009.16.
9.G. Discuss with possible action increasing the page count for the Fall 2023 Newsletter, which will include program descriptions and services for the months of September, October and November from 8 to 12 pages for a total cost of $8,244.88.
9.H. Discuss with possible action the Library's continued participation in the Illinois non-resident library card program and the setting of the 2023 non-resident library card fee at $318.79.
9.I. Discuss with possible action the formation of special committees such as finance, facilities, policies and personnel.
9.J. Discuss with possible action the review of the Library Bylaws and Trustee Manual.
9.K. Discuss with possible action Policy 3.27 Public Participation and Comment at Board Meetings.
9.L. RESCIND the resolution titled: A Resolution of the Board of the Library Trustees of the Niles-Maine District Library, Cook County, Illinois Regarding Closed Session Recording and Minutes which was adopted June 16, 2021.
10. Executive Session
10.A. Executive Session for appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
11. Action if any on Executive Session items.
12. Other
13. Adjournment