August 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Virtual Regular Board Meeting - Revised 8/17/2020
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Review of Minutes
4.A. Approve Minutes of Virtual Special Board Meeting of June 10, 2020
4.B. Approve Minutes of Virtual Special Board Meeting of July 13, 2020
4.C. Approve Minutes of Public Hearing for Tentative Budget of July 15, 2020
4.D. Appove Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of July 15, 2020
5. Public Comment
6. Trustee Reports
6.A. President
6.B. Trustees
6.C. Treasurer
6.C.1) Review Financial Reports
7. Payment of the Bills
7.A. Approve operating expenses of $285,830.06, payroll expenses of $277,388.63, for a total monthly expense of $563,218.69
8. Director's Report
9. Communications
10. Secretary's Report - A certified copy of Ordinance 20-04, an Ordinance for Budget and Appropriations of the Niles-Maine District Library, Cook County, Illinois, for the Fiscal Year Beginning July1, 2020 and Ending June 30, 2021, along with a Certificate of Publication was filed with the Cook County Clerk on Thursday, August 6, 2020. The Ordinance was published in the Journal Topics and News on Wednesday, July 29, 2020.
11. Unfinished Business
11.A. Discussion of Building Envelope Consultant Pricing followed by possible motion
12. New Business
12.A. Approve Personnel Policy 4.35, Paid Parental Leave
12.B. Approve a five-minute time limit on how long a Board member can speak on a subject
13. Executive Session-Discussion of minutes of closed session meetings
14. Final action, if any, on closed session subject
15. Other
16. Adjournment