January 17, 2023 at 11:00 AM - Falls Ed Monthly Management Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Consideration and possible approval: Review and approve minutes of the October 18th meeting.
3. Consideration and possible approval: Review and approve financial reports.
4. Consideration and possible approval: Review and approve Budget amendments.
5. Consideration and possible approval: Discussion of the need for one- on- one paraprofessional with students in home-districts and the responsibility for their salary
We have a few students across the Coop that campuses have recommended or would like to recommend a one on one para. The coop has not paid for campus staff in the past, only for multi-district staff. Is this something Management Board would like to discuss as an addition to our budget?
6. Consideration and possible approval: Discussion of need for additional life skills classroom in Marlin and more space in Rosebud Lott
7. Consideration and possible approval: Open Educational Diagnostician position to address increased student population and referrals
8. Consideration and possible approval: Discussion of need for additional bus in Rosebud Lott to transport wheelchair students
9. Adjourn