December 15, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Policy Committee
Agenda |
I. Approve minutes from the October 27, 2021 meeting.
II. Review policies for first reading: 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban, 2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers, 2:120 Board Member Development, 2:20 Powers and Duties of the Board of Education; Indemnification, 2:220-E1 Exhibit - Board Treatment of Closed Meeting Verbatim Recordings and Minutes, 2:220-E3 Exhibit - Closed Meeting Minutes, 2:220-E5 Exhibit - Semi-Annual Review of Closed Meeting Minutes, 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure, 2:220-E6 Exhibit - Log of Closed Meeting Minutes, 2:220-E7 Exhibit - Access to Closed Meeting Minutes and Verbatim Recordings, 2:220-E8 Exhibit - Board of Education Records Maintenance Requirements and FAQs, 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure, 3:40 Superintendent, 3:50 Administrative Personnel Other Than the Superintendent, 3:60 Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
III. Adjournment