September 23, 2015 at 5:15 PM - Policy Committee
Agenda |
I. Approve minutes from the 8.26.15 meeting
Discuss Policies
up for Adoption: : 4:115 Management Personnel - Use of District Vehicles;
7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited; 7:170 Vandalism; 7:180 Prevention and
Response to Bullying Intimidation and Harassment; 7:200 Suspension Procedure;
7:240 Conduct Code for Participants in Extracurricular Activities
Discuss Policies
up for First Reading: 8:100 Relations with Other Organizations; 2:140
Communication to and from the Board; 4:45 Insufficient Funds; 4:110
Transportation; 4:120 Food Services; 4:130 Free and Reduced Price Food Services;
4:150 Facility Manager and Building program
IV. Policies
up for Discussion: 2:40 BOE Qualifications; 2:50 BOE Term of Office; 2:60
BOE Removal from Office; 2:80 BOE Oath and Conduct; 2:240 BOE Policy Dev.; 4:55
Use of Credit an Procurement; 5:310 Compensatory Time Off. 5:10 Equal
Opportunity and Minority Recruitment; 5:185 Family Medical Leave Act. 5:220
Substitute Teachers; 5:250 Leaves of Absences.
V. Adjourn