January 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. Roll Call
II. Public Comments
III. Recognition
III.A. PTA - Mrs. Cindy Hayes
III.B. SmartBrief
III.C. Student of the Month
III.C.1. Emerson -
Natalia Mora and
Shushil Rao
III.C.2. Hiawatha -
Jasmine Lopez and
Alexis Morales
III.C.3. Irving - Sofia Cuate and
Bella Fabiano
III.C.4. Komensky - Jocelyn Ramirez and David Gomez
III.C.5. Pershing -
Daniel Lopez
Luis Rodriguez
III.C.6. Piper - Owen Guerrero and Yuridia Perez
III.C.7. Freedom - Jorge Orozco and Marthamina Salazar
III.C.8. Heritage - Mia Coronado and David Paz
III.D. Steve Jobs Mac Pro
III.D.1. Emerson -
Melissa Furbeck
III.D.2. Hiawatha -
Madison Polich
III.D.3. Irving - Elliette Fig
III.D.4. Komensky - Edeline Micsa
III.D.5. Pershing -
Thomas (TJ) Austin
III.D.6. Piper - Ariana Pryor
III.D.7. Freedom - Jessey Diaz
III.D.8. Heritage - Omar Roman
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Standard Based Learning
IV.B. 21st Century Community Learning Centers
IV.C. Quarterly Performance Review
IV.D. Dashboard
IV.E. fy16 Budget Calendar
IV.F. Financial Report
V. President's Report
V.A. IASB Report
V.B. Buildings and Grounds Committee
V.C. Correspondence
V.D. Education Foundation Report
V.E. Legislative Report
V.F. Policy Committee
First Reading: 4:170 Safety,
4:175 Criminal Background, 5:280 Duties and Qualifications, 6:150 Home Hospital
Instruction, 7:250 Student Support Services.
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Minutes
VI.A.2. Approve confidentiality of closed session minutes and audio tapes
VI.B. Bills and Payroll
VI.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $1,586,173.98
VI.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 12.19.1$4 in the amount of $967,976.79, 1.2.15 in the amount of
$917,686.86 and 1.16.15 in the amount of 902,144.58. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 1.30.15 and 2.13.15.
VI.C. Adopt policies: 6:160 English Language Learners, 4:100
Insurance Management, 4:160 Environmental Quality
VI.D. Approve student ID #56 as a non resident of Berwyn South School District 100
VI.E. Approve Pearson Power School
as our Student Information System (SIS) Provider. This is a budgeted item.
VI.F. Approve out of state travel for Allison Timpe, Bill Davini and Diona Iacobazzi to Cupertino CA.from 1.27 to 1.30.15. D100 was invited by Apple to attend an exclusive conference for leaders of curriculum and instruction. Approval by consensus allowed them to register and purchase air transportation. This is a budgeted expense.
VI.G. Approve Personnel Report
VI.G.1. Employment
VI.G.2. Resignations
VI.G.3. Leave of Absence
VI.G.4. Job Descriptions
VII. Meeting Evaluation
VIII. Adjourn