September 24, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Roll Call
II. Public Comments
III. Superintendent's Report
III.A. Dashboard
III.B. myON Recognition
III.C. Life Safety
III.D. Financial Report
IV. President's Report
IV.A. IASB Report
IV.B. Buildings and Grounds Committee
IV.C. Correspondence
IV.D. Education Foundation Report
IV.E. Legislative Report
IV.F. Policy Committee
IV.F.1. Discuss Policies up for First Reading: 5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media;
5:180 Temporary Illness or Incapacitation; 5:190 Teacher Qualifications; 5: 240
Teacher Suspension
V. Action Items
V.A. Minutes
V.B. Bills and Payroll
V.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $1,066,411.45.
V.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 8.29.14 in the amount of $884,366.17, 9.12.14 in the amount of $913,268.49. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 9.26.14, 10.10.14.
V.C. Adopt policies: 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity; 5:30 Hiring
V.D. Approve District Goals and Objectives
V.E. Approve Recognition of Schools
V.F. Approve out of state travel for Sonia Peralta, Beatriz López and Maria López,
to attend La Cosecha Dual Language Conference in Santé Fe, New Mexico
Nov. 18-22. Dual Language (DL) essential components including the curricular and
instructional needs will be our focus. This is a budgeted item.
V.G. Approve School Fundraisers for Hiawatha and Irving Schools. School fundraisers that generate over 1,000 must have approval by the Board.
V.H. Approve fy15 IASB Membership and Conference. This is an annual approval for the Illinois Association of School Board membership and conference participation.
Adopt the resolution to authorize the Del Galdo Law Group, LLC to intervene on behalf
of the District in property tax assessment proceedings, (PTAB) when directed to do
so by the District.
V.J. Approve Surplus Property
V.K. Adopt Apple Lease Resolution
V.L. Approve fy15 Budget
V.M. Approve Personnel Report
VI. Meeting Evaluation
VII. Adjourn