November 20, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. Roll Call
II. Public Comments
III. DACEE Facilities Committee
IV. Recognition
IV.A. PTA report - Mrs. Trisha Rojas
IV.B. SmartBrief
IV.C. Student of the Month
IV.C.1. Emerson -
Vivian Bustamante and
Faith Lopez
IV.C.2. Hiawatha -
Ivan DeLeon
and Priscilla Mendez-Ocampo
IV.C.3. Irving -
Seth Laluma and
Kevin Santana
IV.C.4. Komensky - Samantha Hernandez and Brian Escamilla
IV.C.5. Pershing -
Cevallos-Rubio and
Omar Sandoval
IV.C.6. Piper -
Rolando Lopez
Leslie Ortiz
IV.C.7. Freedom -
Gerardo Molinar-Lopez
and Galilea Mendez
IV.C.8. Heritage -
Ana Torres and Kevin Garfio
IV.D. Steve Jobs Mac Pro Award
IV.D.1. Emerson - Miguel Tamayo
IV.D.2. Hiawatha - Rebecca Fajardo
IV.D.3. Irving - Griffin Koutny
IV.D.4. Komensky - Janet Delgado
IV.D.5. Pershing -
Sophia Regalado
IV.D.6. Piper - Joe
IV.D.7. Freedom -
Joseph Mirabelli
IV.D.8. Heritage - Erik Arvis
IV.E. Pershing Community Service
IV.E.1. Julian Garcia and Nathan Rodriguez
V. President's Report
V.A. IASB Report
V.B. Buildings and Grounds Committee
V.C. Correspondence
V.D. Education Foundation Report
V.E. Legislative Report
V.F. Policy Committee
V.F.1. First reading of policies 6:120, 7:230, 7:340
VI. Superintendent's Report
VI.A. Dashboard
VI.B. Response to Intervention - RTI
VI.C. District Advisory Committee for Educational Excellence (DACEE)
VI.D. Referendum
VI.E. Financial Report
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Minutes
VII.A.1. Approve minutes from the 10.23.13 closed, special, and regular meetings.
VII.B. Bills and Payroll
VII.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $2,682,267.49.
VII.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 10.25.13 in the amount of $946,607.89 and 11.18.13 in the amount of $1,036,672.66. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 11.22.13 and 12.06.13.
VII.C. Adopt policies 2:105, 2:120, 4:20, 5:20
VII.D. Approve purchase of a climbing wall at Freedom Middle School at a cost of $35,435.55. This is a budgeted expense from the United Way and Office Max Community School Initiative (CSI) grant.
VII.E. Adopt a resolution to commit matching funds in the amount of $251,029 for the School Energy
Efficiency Project Grant through ISBE. Funds will be used to purchase new boilers at Emerson, Piper and Komensky Schools.
VII.F. Approve matching maintenance grant funds in the amount of $50,000. This grant will be used to update interior cameras at all schools, update and add additional exterior lighting, integrate S2 System with newly installed alarm
systems and add more S2 card readers where needed.
VII.G. Approve retirement benefits in the amount of $19,877.50, unbudgeted.
VII.H. Approve Personnel Report
VIII. Meeting Evaluation
IX. Adjourn