March 23, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Pledge of Allegiance
I.B. Roll Call
II. Public Comments
III. President's Report
III.A. IASB Report
III.B. Buildings & Grounds Committee
III.C. Correspondence
III.D. Legislative Report
III.E. Policy Committee
III.F. Education Foundation Report
IV. Recognition
IV.A. PTA Report - Ms. Suzanne Craig
IV.B. Student of the Month
IV.B.1. Emerson - Amaris Perez and Emma Morrisette
IV.B.2. Hiawatha - Cindy Jimenez and Parker Becker
IV.B.3. Pershing - Jonathan Guzman and Samantha Almonaci
IV.B.4. Irving - Raul Chacon and Camila Llerenas
IV.B.5. Komensky - Alen Marin and Moises Sanchez
IV.B.6. Piper - Alejandra Arreci and Susana Ruiz
IV.B.7. Freedom - Mia Cunningham and Christian Tovar
IV.B.8. Heritage - Samantha Torres and Juliano Sanchez
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Dashboard
V.A.1. d100 SmartBrief
V.B. Summer School 2011
V.C. 21st Century Grant
V.D. English Language Learners (ELL)
V.E. Business Manager's Report
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Minutes
VI.A.1. Approve minutes from the 2.9.11 special and closed meetings and the 2.23.11 regular, special and closed meetings.
VI.B. Bills and Payroll
VI.B.1. Approve payment of bills totaling $900,196.99.
VI.B.2. Confirm payment of the payroll for 3.4.11 in the amount of $872,257.43 and 3.18.11 in the amount of $869,738.34. Authorize preparation and release of payroll dated 4.1.11 and 4.15.11.
VI.C. Approve Insurance Committee Recommendation
VI.D. Approve fy12 FDSE Budget
VI.E. Approve Personnel Report
VII. Meeting Evaluation
VIII. Adjourn