March 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order
B. Establishment of a Quorum
C. Executive Session
C.1. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
C.1.a. Campus and District Administrator Contracts
C.1.b. Director and Supervisor Contracts
D. Invocation
E. Pledge of Allegiance and Texas Flag
F. Public Comment
G. Department Spotlight
G.1. Special Education
H. Information
H.1. Annual Report of Local Debt Information
H.2. Protesting 2020 Property Value Study
H.3. Quarterly Report
H.4. Accounts Payable
I. Discussion
I.1. School Health Plan and Guidelines
J. Community Input - Action Agenda Items
K. Action Items
K.1. Consent Agenda
K.1.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of prior Meetings, Not Yet Approved
K.1.b. Consider Approval of Monthly Report on Tax Collections
K.1.c. Consider Approval of Monthly Financial Report
K.1.d. Certifying Superintedent to the Region VII Regional Advisory Committee
K.1.e. Consider Approval of TASB Policy Update 116 Affecting (LOCAL) Policies (see attached list of codes)
K.2. Consider and Possible Action on Approval of Statement of Impact for Ki Charter Academy
K.3. Consider and Possible Action on Approval of Statement of Impact for Expansion Amendments for UT Tyler University Academy
K.4. Consider and Possible Action on Authorizing the Superintendent to Submit a Waiver for Missed School Days
K.5. Consider and Possible Approval of Credit by Exam Procedures for Kindergarten
K.6. Consider and Possible Approval of Contracting with Rutherford, Taylor & Company, P.C. as Audit Firm for Brownsboro ISD
K.7. Consider and Possible Approval of Contracting with Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP, Brownsboro ISD Delinquent Tax Attorney
K.8. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Campus and District Administrators
K.9. Consider and Possible Action on Contract Extensions for Directors and Supervisors
K.10. Consider and Possible Approval of a Resolution for School Closure Due to a Sewer and Gas Emergency and Winter Weather
K.11. Consider and Possible Action on Approval of 2021-2022 Academic Calendar
K.12. Consider and Possible Approval of School Health Guidelines
L. Superintendent's Report
L.1. Region 7 ESC Board of Directors - Place 2
L.2. Summer Leadership Conference
M. Adjourn