March 6, 2025 at 6:00 PM - School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve Agenda
5. Approve Consent Agenda (2:220)
5.1. Approve Personnel Report
5.2. Approve Payroll
5.3. Approve Accounts Payable
5.4. Approve Minutes
5.5. Approve Treasurer's Report
5.6. Approve Activity Accounts
5.7. Green and Associates Invoices - March
5.8. IHSA Membership Renewal
5.9. Swim Cooperative Renewal 25-26, 26-27
5.10. Tara Jepsen Contract Extension
5.11. Spigot Tech Systems Invoice
5.12. Summer Reading Materials for Students
6. Principal Student Advisory Council
7. Recognition of Service
The following Illinois State Scholars were recognized before the meeting: Anna Bogner, Connor Dundas, Elizabeth Henderson, Aurora Lagerhausen, Alec Medford, Trevor Miller, Jackson Musial, Amanda Nicklaus, Landon Paff, Gavin Sweat and Katherine Youman |
8. Year-to-Date Budget Update
9. Report of the Superintendent (2:130)
9.1. Springfield Update
9.2. FOIA
9.3. Month by Month BOE To-Do
10. Administrator/Director Report
Lisa Reber - Food Service Director |
11. Notices and Communications
11.1. Review Code of Conduct:
I will model continuous learning and work to ensure good governance. by taking advantage of board member development opportunities, such as those sponsored by my state and national school board associations, and encourage my fellow board members to do the same. |
11.2. 8th Grade Promotion
Thursday, May 22, 2025 6:00 pm Stillman Valley High School |
12. Facilities Report
13. Community Input (2:220)
(This is the time when visitors may request to address the Board of Education on any item relating to the role and function of the Board of Education. When the Board President so directs, persons should stand, give their name and begin their statements. Persons are asked to refrain from making any personal comments regarding any individual. The Board President reserves the right to limit presentations to five minutes.) |
14. Unfinished Business - Action Expected Unless Otherwise Noted
14.1. School Fees 2025-2026
15. New Business - Action Expected Unless Otherwise Noted
15.1. Proposal For Financial Coaching Services
15.2. Inventionland Quote
15.3. Gas and Energy Renewal Recommendations
15.4. Non-Renewal of a Non-Tenured Teacher
15.5. Acceptance of the Resignation of a Non-Tenured Teacher
15.6. School Calendar 2026 - 2027
16. Adjourn to closed session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation,
discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the District, and other stated exceptions to the Open Meetings Act. (2:220, 2:200) |
17. Reconvene in open session
18. Adjourn